Some areas far away from Fukushima registered more radiation than other farms close by.
Chef Ooe Is Rehabbing Fukushima’s Food Scene at the Park Hyatt Tokyo|Brandon Presser|March 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Health concerns abound in Fukushima about the safety of living in the area.
The Fukushima Generation: New Data on Birth Defects in Post-Meltdown Japan|Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky, Jake Adelstein|September 26, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Dr. Hirahara notes, “There will always be cases of birth defects, even in Fukushima.”
The Fukushima Generation: New Data on Birth Defects in Post-Meltdown Japan|Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky, Jake Adelstein|September 26, 2013|DAILY BEAST
He doubts 2012 data will show a significant increase in birth defects in Fukushima or Japan.
The Fukushima Generation: New Data on Birth Defects in Post-Meltdown Japan|Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky, Jake Adelstein|September 26, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Now the Japanese want to build one around the Fukushima nuclear plant.
Fukushima N-Plant Will Be Surrounded by a Wall of Ice|Josh Dzieza|September 4, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Fukushima replied angrily that he had undertaken to attack at a certain time, and that he should stick to his undertaking.
With the Allies to Pekin|George Alfred Henty
When we had passed through Fukushima we were in Ibaraki, a characteristic feature of which is swamps.
The Foundations of Japan|J.W. Robertson Scott
Fukushima replied: What about the Americans and the British?
With the Allies to Pekin|George Alfred Henty
General Fukushima, the moving spirit of the pursuit, was asked in the evening if his troops were not very tired.
With the Allies to Pekin|George Alfred Henty
Rex went out with Fukushima to the hill on which the Japanese guns were preparing to open fire.
With the Allies to Pekin|George Alfred Henty
British Dictionary definitions for Fukushima
/ (ˌfuːkuːˈʃiːmə) /
a city in Japan, in N Honshu: noted for production of silk; sight of a serious nuclear power station accident following an earthquake and tsunami in 2011. Pop: 290 064 (2011 est)