the quality of being frugal, or prudent in saving; the lack of wastefulness: Many people who have lived through periods of economic deprivation develop lifelong habits of frugality and are almost never tempted by wasteful consumption.
That frugality began to change in 2008, when both countries experienced a dramatic surge in consumer spending, making them among the most sought-after markets in the world.
Could the Recession Revive the Savings Gene in China and India?|Pallabi Munsi|August 16, 2020|Ozy
Frugality: Blame it on having parents bought up during World War II.
It’s Not Just the Vaccines. Jenny McCarthy’s New Book Offers More ‘Lessons’|Tim Teeman|April 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Counsel for respondent has recalled to us the virtues of self-reliance and frugality.
The Wall Street Journal: Unwitting Advocates of Single-Payer|David Frum|March 29, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Industry and frugality are again assuming their proper station.
Pamphlets On The Constitution Of The United States|Various
It is found side by side with frugality; and it frequently even looks like a return to the unaffected love of nature.
Principles of Political Economy, Vol. II|William Roscher
He began business as a builder on his own account at Colchester, where by frugality and industry he secured a competency.
Self-Help|Samuel Smiles
He attempted the suppression of the Cordeliers; was an active pontiff, and respected for his frugality, prudence and sanctity.
The Every Day Book of History and Chronology|Joel Munsell
In Germany, for example, you will find something that amounts almost to a national fervor for economy and frugality.