

单词 sorites


[ saw-rahy-teez, soh- ]
/ sɔˈraɪ tiz, soʊ- /

noun Logic.

a form of argument having several premises and one conclusion, capable of being resolved into a chain of syllogisms, the conclusion of each of which is a premise of the next.

Origin of sorites

1545–55; <Latin sōrītēs<Greek sōreítēs literally, heaped, piled up, derivative of sōrós a heap


so·rit·i·cal [saw-rit-i-kuhl, soh-], /sɔˈrɪt ɪ kəl, soʊ-/, so·rit·ic, adjective

Words nearby sorites

sorghum, sorghum beer, sorgo, sori, soricine, sorites, sorn, soroban, Sorocaba, Sorokin, Sorolla y Bastida
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

Example sentences from the Web for sorites

  • The Sorites uses several middle terms by which the predicate of the last proposition is connected with the first subject.

    A Logic Of Facts|George Jacob Holyoake
  • Now the rest is concluded by a sorites of foure degrees: As yr, is unto yi: so by the 12.

    The Way To Geometry|Peter Ramus
  • Two modes of abbreviating a Polysyllogism, are usually discussed, the Epicheirema and the Sorites.

    Logic|Carveth Read
  • Among these logical puzzles are the following: Sorites, the heap trick.

    The Works of Lucian of Samosata, v. 4|Lucian of Samosata

British Dictionary definitions for sorites

/ (sɒˈraɪtiːz) /


  1. a polysyllogism in which the premises are arranged so that intermediate conclusions are omitted, being understood, and only the final conclusion is stated
  2. a paradox of the formthese few grains of sand do not constitute a heap, and the addition of a single grain never makes what is not yet a heap into a heap: so no matter how many single grains one adds it never becomes a heap

Derived forms of sorites

soritical (sɒˈrɪtɪkəl) or soritic, adjective

Word Origin for sorites

C16: via Latin from Greek sōreitēs, literally: heaped, from sōros a heap
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012




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