Compared to 2016, Russia’s online interference strategies have grown in sophistication, says Dov Levin, assistant professor of international relations at the University of Hong Kong.
Spy Wars: The Hidden Foe America Must Defeat to Save Its Democracy|Charu Kasturi|September 13, 2020|Ozy
The Lazarus laundering operation, says Janczewski, involves creating and maintaining hundreds of false accounts and identities, a consistent level of sophistication and effort that underlines just how important the operation is for Pyongyang.
North Korean hackers steal billions in cryptocurrency. How do they turn it into real cash?|Patrick O'Neill|September 10, 2020|MIT Technology Review
In the end there will likely be four or perhaps five relatively large providers that can offer competing levels of technological sophistication and reach.
InMarket buys NinthDecimal to compete with Foursquare more effectively|Greg Sterling|September 9, 2020|Search Engine Land
Some retailers are media owners in their own right and so there are different levels of sophistication around commerce activations.
‘Retailers are media owners in their own right’: Why e-commerce is driving more of Unilever’s media spend|Seb Joseph|September 9, 2020|Digiday
Conservatives scoring highest on tests for cognitive sophistication or quantitative reasoning skills are most susceptible to motivated reasoning about climate science.
Coronavirus Responses Highlight How Humans Are Hardwired To Dismiss Facts That Don’t Fit Their Worldview|LGBTQ-Editor|July 2, 2020|No Straight News
His dresses were worn by Hollywood stars and first ladies, emanating glamour and sophistication.
Fashion Designer Oscar de la Renta, American Great, Dead at 82|Tim Teeman|October 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This Palmer stands for elegance and sophistication: the embodiment of natural gifts, both athletic and personal.
Will the Real Jim Palmer Please Stand Up|Tom Boswell|September 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Jazz is now a codeword for sophistication and classiness, even affluence.
Jazz (The Music of Coffee and Donuts) Has Respect, But It Needs Love|Ted Gioia|June 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And if Tocqueville is right, then Piketty is mistaken, despite the impressive scope and sophistication of his work.
What’s At Stake In The Tocqueville/Piketty Debate|James Poulos|April 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The age of the airplane does not, however, determine the sophistication of the search equipment on board.
Was MH370 Carrying Killer Cargo?|Clive Irving|March 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Had this sophistication come as an afterthought, born of something that had passed between them?
The Vagrant Duke|George Gibbs
Then he recollected his sophistication to say: “Unless its being of that particular shade between brown and red was wrong.”
Between The Dark And The Daylight|William Dean Howells
That this was "cuisine of striking richness, refinement, sophistication, and artistry" should not necessarily impress us here.
The Civilization of Illiteracy|Mihai Nadin
When he talks to you, you play up the keen, alert stuff with a dash of sophistication, see?
Personality Plus|Edna Ferber
And behind all, there gleams from the whole play a sophistication as deep as the gean.