Frontenac defines his position and raises a note of alarm in his very first despatch to the minister for the colonies.
Count Frontenac|William Dawson LeSueur
La Salle had gone to France in 1674, well recommended by Frontenac.
Montreal 1535-1914 under the French Rgime|William Henry Atherton
In compliment to Frontenac, the river may have been named after his wife or her friend.
La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West|Francis Parkman
Frontenac's commission as governor was dated 6th April 1672, but he did not leave France till midsummer.
Count Frontenac|William Dawson LeSueur
Later, through the efforts of Frontenac, the King was convinced of injustice, and the estates were restored by royal order.
Beyond the Frontier|Randall Parrish
Frontenac et Palluau
/ (Frenchfrɔ̃tnak (e palyo)) /
Comte de (kɔ̃t də). title of Louis de Buade . 1620–98, governor of New France (1672–82; 1689–98)
Words nearby Frontenac
front court, front desk, front dive, front door, front-drive, Frontenac, Frontenac et Palluau, front-end, front-end load, front-end loader, front-end processor