to seek for (something) by entreaty, earnest or respectful request, formal application, etc.: He solicited aid from the minister.
to entreat or petition (someone or some agency): to solicit the committee for funds.
to seek to influence or incite to action, especially unlawful or wrong action.
to offer to have sex with in exchange for money.
verb (used without object)
to make a petition or request, as for something desired.
to solicit orders or trade, as for a business: No soliciting allowed in this building.
to offer to have sex with someone in exchange for money.
Origin of solicit
1400–50; late Middle English soliciten<Middle French solliciter<Latin sollicitāre to excite, agitate, derivative of sollicitus troubled (soll(us) whole + -i--i- + citus, past participle of ciēre to arouse)
2 beseech, beg.
3 excite, arouse, provoke.
pre·so·lic·it,verb (used with object)re·so·lic·it,verbsu·per·so·lic·it,verbun·so·lic·it·ed,adjective
We’re soliciting nominations for the Impact 20, a new Fortune list that recognizes venture-backed and private equity-backed companies that are doing well by doing good.
When a venture capital-backed merger goes awry|Lucinda Shen|September 4, 2020|Fortune
In July, for instance, Bitcoin made international headlines when hackers hijacked the Twitter accounts of Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and others to solicit crypto donations.
Coinbase shuffles board ahead of rumored IPO, Marc Andreessen joins as observer|Jeff|August 31, 2020|Fortune
This is where soliciting other websites for backlinks comes into play.
Nine mistakes to avoid when contacting websites for backlinks|Raj Dosanjh|July 29, 2020|Search Engine Watch
During the pandemic, you can also ask your customers to participate in a challenge by using interactive stickers or solicit feedback and opinion surveys.
Hottest user-centric video advertising trends of 2020: CTV, vertical, and social formats|Ivan Guzenko|June 12, 2020|Search Engine Watch
And though Wright kept a low profile for almost a year, he managed to solicit “Jane Doe” on online escort pages.
The Navy ‘Hero’ Who Pimped an HIV-Positive Teen|M.L. Nestel|December 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
So yes, attempting to solicit positive stories about the NYPD predictably opened the floodgates for Twitter criticism.
Why Industry Hashtags #FAIL|Samantha Levine|May 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In November 2013, the CFPB began to solicit online feedback on consumer debt collection practices.
How the Government Can Avoid Another Debacle|Alexander B. Howard|November 18, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Before the [Energy] department could solicit bids, it had to decide what to solicit.
The Green Stimulus' Red Ink|David Frum|December 3, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Many leading conservative figures and intellectuals not only solicit this racism; they bond it.
The Republican Party’s Race Problem and Strom Thurmond’s Legacy|Jordan Michael Smith|September 22, 2012|DAILY BEAST
One very worthy citizen of Kentucky did solicit me to have the augmenting of the force suspended for a time.
The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government, Vol. 1 (of 2)|Jefferson Davis
They are not sent out to answer inquiries, but to solicit new customers and to keep old ones.
Business English|Rose Buhlig
Meanwhile, Fido gambolled up to the cottage dame, and begged before her as if to solicit her good-will.
Baron Bruno|Louisa Morgan
Early in 1781, he was sent on a special mission to France to solicit a loan of money and to procure arms.
Washington and the American Republic, Vol. 3.|Benson J. Lossing
Long and repeatedly did Nelson solicit troops to effect the reduction of this important place.
The Life of Horatio Lord Nelson|Robert Southey
British Dictionary definitions for solicit
/ (səˈlɪsɪt) /
verb-its, -itingor-ited
(when intr, foll by for) to make a request, application, or entreaty to (a person for business, support, etc)
to accost (a person) with an offer of sexual relations in return for money
to provoke or incite (a person) to do something wrong or illegal
Derived forms of solicit
solicitation, noun
Word Origin for solicit
C15: from Old French solliciter to disturb, from Latin sollicitāre to harass, from sollicitus agitated, from sollus whole + citus, from ciēre to excite