He was arrested as he came off Delta Flight 107 from Frankfurt to New York.
The Mystery of Donald Ray Morgan, the 44-Year-Old American Who Loved ISIS|Michael Daly|August 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In 1983, my parents and I spent an extremely cordial afternoon with Friedel, Oscar, and their family in Frankfurt.
Survived Hitler, Returned to Germany|Steve North|May 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Friedel, Oscar, and their children left Israel, moving to Frankfurt.
Survived Hitler, Returned to Germany|Steve North|May 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
They were having tea when they passed Frankfurt, and dinner when they passed Heidelberg.
The Pastor's Wife|Elizabeth von Arnim
Frankfurt received and provided for families who fled from the Marian persecutions in England.
A History of the Reformation (Vol. 2 of 2)|Thomas M. Lindsay
Furstenwalde is on the Spree, straight between Frankfurt and Berlin; 25 miles from the former, 35 from the latter.
History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XIX. (of XXI.)|Thomas Carlyle
He could not help thinking of the policeman who was coming from Frankfurt to fetch him to prison.
Heidi|Johanna Spyri
In a prisoner camp at Frankfurt a-Oder is a large building erected as a place of entertainment and general meeting hall.
The Better Germany in War Time|Harold Picton
Frankfurt am Main
/ (Germanˈfraŋkfʊrt (am ˈmain)) /
a city in central Germany, in Hesse on the Main River: a Roman settlement in the 1st century; a free imperial city (1372–1806); seat of the federal assembly (1815–66); university (1914); trade fairs since the 13th century. Pop: 643 432 (2003 est)
Words nearby Frankfurt
Frankfort, Frankfort horizontal plane, Frankfort on the Main, Frankfort on the Oder, Frankfort plane, Frankfurt, frankfurter, Frankfurter, Felix, Frankfurt horizontal, Frankfurt School, Frankie
British Dictionary definitions for Frankfurt (2 of 2)
Frankfurt an der Oder
/ (Germanˈfraŋkfʊrt (an der ˈoːdər)) /
a city in E Germany on the Polish border: member of the Hanseatic League (1368–1450). Pop: 67 014 (2003 est)