单词 | frank |
释义 | frank1[ frangk ] / fræŋk / SEE SYNONYMS FOR frank ON THESAURUS.COM adjective, frank·er, frank·est.nounverb (used with object)Origin of frank11250–1300; Middle English, from Old French franc, from Late Latin francus “free,” originally Frank SYNONYMS FOR frank1 unrestrained, free, bold, uninhibited. SEE SYNONYMS FOR frank ON THESAURUS.COM ANTONYMS FOR frank1 restrained. SEE ANTONYMS FOR frank ON THESAURUS.COM synonym study for frank1. Frank, candid, open, outspoken imply a freedom and boldness in speaking. Frank is applied to one unreserved in expressing the truth and to one's real opinions and sentiments: a frank analysis of a personal problem. Candid suggests that one is sincere and truthful or impartial and fair in judgment, sometimes unpleasantly so: a candid expression of opinion. Open implies a lack of reserve or of concealment: open antagonism. Outspoken applies to a person who expresses himself or herself freely, even when this is inappropriate: an outspoken and unnecessary show of disapproval. OTHER WORDS FROM frankfrank·a·ble, adjectivefranker, nounWords nearby frankfranger, frangible, frangipane, frangipani, Franglais, frank, frankalmoign, Frank, Anne, franked investment income, franked mail, Franken- Definition for frank (2 of 4)frank2 [ frangk ] / fræŋk / noun Informal.frankfurter. Origin of frank2An Americanism dating back to 1900–05; by shortening Definition for frank (3 of 4)Frank1 [ frangk ] / fræŋk / nouna member of a group of ancient Germanic peoples dwelling in the regions of the Rhine, one division of whom, the Salians, conquered Gaul about a.d. 500, founded an extensive kingdom, and gave origin to the name France. (in the Levant) any native of western Europe. Origin of Frank1before 900; Middle English Franke, Old English Franca (cognate with Old High German Franko ), perhaps from the Germanic base of Old English franka spear, javelin, a weapon allegedly favored by the Franks Definition for frank (4 of 4)Frank2 [ frangk, frahngk; Russian, frahnk; German frahngk ] / fræŋk, frɑŋk; Russian, frɑnk; German frɑŋk / nounAnne, 1929–45, German Jewish girl who died in Belsen concentration camp in Germany: her diaries about her family hiding from Nazis in Amsterdam (1942–44) were published in 1947. Il·ya Mi·khai·lo·vich [ee-lyah myi-khahy-luh-vyich], /iˌlyɑ myɪˈxaɪ lə vyɪtʃ/, 1908–90, Russian physicist: Nobel Prize 1958. Le·on·hard [ley-awn-hahrt], /ˈleɪ ɔn hɑrt/, 1882–1961, German novelist. Robert, 1924–2019, U.S. photographer and filmmaker, born in Switzerland. Waldo, 1889–1967, U.S. novelist and social critic. a male given name, form of Francis or Franklin. Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for frankBritish Dictionary definitions for frank (1 of 3)frank / (fræŋk) / adjectiveverb (tr)nounan official mark or signature affixed to a letter, parcel, etc, ensuring free delivery or delivery without stamps the privilege, issued to certain people and establishments, entitling them to delivery without postage stamps Derived forms of frankfrankable, adjectivefranker, nounfrankness, nounWord Origin for frankC13: from Old French franc, from Medieval Latin francus free; identical with Frank (in Frankish Gaul only members of this people enjoyed full freedom) British Dictionary definitions for frank (2 of 3)Frank1 / (fræŋk) / nouna member of a group of West Germanic peoples who spread from the east bank of the middle Rhine into the Roman Empire in the late 4th century ad, gradually conquering most of Gaul and Germany. The Franks achieved their greatest power under Charlemagne Word Origin for FrankOld English Franca; related to Old High German Franko; perhaps from the name of a typical Frankish weapon (compare Old English franca javelin) British Dictionary definitions for frank (3 of 3)Frank2 / (Dutch fraŋk) / nounAnne . 1929–45, German Jewess, whose Diary (1947) recorded the experiences of her family while in hiding from the Nazis in Amsterdam (1942–44). They were betrayed and she died in a concentration camp Robert . born 1924, US photographer and film maker, born in Switzerland; best known for his photographic book The Americans (1959) Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Medical definitions for frankfrank [ frăngk ] adj.Clearly manifest; clinically evident. The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. |
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