Francisco,Francisco Paulino Hermenegildo Teódulo Franco-Bahamonde;"El Caudillo", 1892–1975, Spanish military leader and dictator: chief of state 1939–47; regent of the kingdom of Spain 1947–75.
Words nearby Franco
Francis turbine, Francis Xavier, francium, francize, Franck, Franco, Franco-American, Franco-Belgian system, Franco, Francisco, francolin, Franconia
Definition for Franco (2 of 2)
a combining form representing French or France:Francophile; Franco-Prussian.
Origin of Franco-
<Medieval Latin Franc(us) a Frank, a Frenchman + -o-
But the film lags during long stretches—particularly in the middle, when Franco and Rogen are separated from one-another.
Sony’s ‘The Interview’: A Glorious, Patriotic, and Katy Perry-Filled Mess|Marlow Stern|December 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Or perhaps Franco, meta-celeb extraordinaire, could star in the movie himself?
Kim Jong Un, Avert Your Eyes: Sony’s ‘The Interview’ Gets the Porn Parody Treatment|Aurora Snow|December 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Then, Rogen convinces Franco to drink some contaminated water from a stream—which causes the 127 Hours Oscar nominee to dry-heave.
James Franco and Seth Rogen Get ‘Naked and Afraid’… And It’s Hilarious|Marlow Stern|December 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Rogen refuses to share his toilet paper with Franco, and then they run into trouble starting a fire.
James Franco and Seth Rogen Get ‘Naked and Afraid’… And It’s Hilarious|Marlow Stern|December 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
One fan asks Franco, in severely broken English, for “advices” on becoming an actress.
James and the Giant Internet Company: Franco and AOL Get Kissy Faces|Amy Zimmerman|September 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Her reticence and Uncle Piero's fatherly benevolence gave Franco time to place himself beyond the possibility of recall.
The Patriot|Antonio Fogazzaro
She did not know, however, that as Franco had not arrived by the coach from Ceneri, Ismaele had gone to bed.
The Patriot|Antonio Fogazzaro
Gilardoni saw she suspected a secret, and, hoping to distract her thoughts, asked her if Franco intended to start at once.
The Patriot|Antonio Fogazzaro
He went so far as to sketch for Franco the outlines of a letter to his wife, with a list of the arguments he must expound.
The Patriot|Antonio Fogazzaro
Then Franco let the letter fall, and stretching his hands above his head, he uttered a long "Ah!"
The Patriot|Antonio Fogazzaro
British Dictionary definitions for Franco (1 of 2)
/ (ˈfræŋkəʊ, Spanishˈfraŋko) /
Francisco (franˈθisko), called el Caudillo. 1892–1975, Spanish general and statesman; head of state (1939–1975). He was commander-in-chief of the Falangists in the Spanish Civil War (1936–39), defeating the republican government and establishing a dictatorship (1939). He kept Spain neutral in World War II
British Dictionary definitions for Franco (2 of 2)
/ (ˈfræŋkəʊ-) /
combining form
indicating France or FrenchFranco-Prussian
Word Origin for Franco-
from Medieval Latin Francus, from Late Latin: Frank