verb (used with object),at·trib·ut·ed,at·trib·ut·ing.
to regard as resulting from a specified cause; consider as caused by something indicated (usually followed by to): She attributed his bad temper to ill health.
to consider as a quality or characteristic of the person, thing, group, etc., indicated: He attributed intelligence to his colleagues.
to consider as made by the one indicated, especially with strong evidence but in the absence of conclusive proof: to attribute a painting to an artist.
to regard as produced by or originating in the time, period, place, etc., indicated; credit; assign: to attribute a work to a particular period; to attribute a discovery to a particular country.
something attributed as belonging to a person, thing, group, etc.; a quality, character, characteristic, or property: Sensitivity is one of his attributes.
something used as a symbol of a particular person, office, or status: A scepter is one of the attributes of a king.
Grammar. a word or phrase that is syntactically subordinate to another and serves to limit, identify, particularize, describe, or supplement the meaning of the form with which it is in construction. In the red house, red is an attribute of house.
Fine Arts. an object associated with or symbolic of a character, office, or quality, as the keys of St. Peter or the lion skin of Hercules.
Philosophy. (in the philosophy of Spinoza) any of the essential qualifications of God, thought and extension being the only ones known.Compare mode1 (def. 4b).
Logic. (in a proposition) that which is affirmed or denied concerning the subject.
Obsolete. distinguished character; reputation.
Origin of attribute
First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English, from Latin attribūtus “allotted, assigned, imputed to” (past participle of attribuere ), equivalent to at- “toward” + tribū- (stem of tribuere “to assign (to tribes), classify, ascribe”; see at-, tribe) + -tus past participle suffix
synonym study for attribute
1. Attribute,ascribe,impute imply definite origin. Attribute and ascribe are often used interchangeably, to imply that something originates with a definite person or from a definite cause. Ascribe, however, has neutral implications; whereas, possibly because of an association with tribute, attribute is coming to have a complimentary connotation: to ascribe an accident to carelessness; to attribute one's success to a friend's encouragement.Impute has gained uncomplimentary connotations, and usually means to accuse or blame someone or something as a cause or origin: to impute an error to him.5. See quality.
re·at·trib·ute,verb (used with object),re·at·trib·ut·ed,re·at·trib·ut·ing.un·at·trib·ut·a·ble,adjectiveun·at·trib·ut·a·bly,adverbun·at·trib·ut·ed,adjectivewell-at·trib·ut·ed,adjective
According to this rule, as a result of the measurement, the state jumps into one of the states where the attribute in question has a well-defined value.
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Dresses are certainly not taken as seriously as traditional sporting attire, despite their objectively positive attributes, like breathability and mobility.
In Praise of the Adventure Dress|Alison Van Houten|August 22, 2020|Outside Online
Spend time on research and check out the attributes available to your business category in Google My Business, and simply spend a bit of time searching your competitors to see how they’re adapting.
SEO in the second half of 2020: Five search opportunities to act on now|Jim Yu|August 17, 2020|Search Engine Watch
With this attribute, you don’t have to create separate feeds for each country in order to control which products show where.
Google makes it easier to control Shopping ads by country|Ginny Marvin|August 12, 2020|Search Engine Land
For example, the URL I inspected in Bing showed issues with meta language tags being missing and alt attributes for images missing.
Bing’s new URL Inspection tool: What it does and why to use it|Barry Schwartz|July 30, 2020|Search Engine Land
We attribute his successes or failures to the presence or lack of some special sauce that he does or does not possess.
The Dems’ Midterm Performance Anxiety|Michael Tomasky|October 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Sure, Nancy has the fish-out-of-water thing going on, but that attribute often defines Piper.
Orange Is the New Weeds: The Adventures of Jenji Kohan Across the 8th Dimension|Rich Goldstein, Emily Shire|August 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
On the other hand, he has retained an attribute reminiscent of the other ex-fundies.
Frank Schaeffer, the Atheist Who Believes in God|Nick Tabor|August 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
We attribute no special merit to a man for having served when all were serving.
The Real Memorial Day: Oliver Wendell Holmes's Salute To A Momentous American Anniversary|Malcolm Jones|May 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
As with the Deep South, you could attribute this to ideology or cultural difference.
Whites in the Deep South: Are They Partisan, or Just Racist?|Jamelle Bouie|February 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The right to exclude any or all classes of aliens is an attribute of sovereignty.
Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents|Grover Cleveland
I am afraid that you are apt to attribute to the wonderful what was but natural weakness.
Balsamo, The Magician|Alexander Dumas
But to attribute to Chaucer the fourth line of the Envoy seems hazardous.
Chaucer's Works, Volume 1 (of 7) -- Romaunt of the Rose; Minor Poems|Geoffrey Chaucer
To this circumstance Lagrange was in after life accustomed partly to attribute his own fame and happiness.
Self-Help|Samuel Smiles
Indeed, form is not an attribute of matter; it is an element of the combination.
Plotinos: Complete Works, v. 3|Plotinos (Plotinus)
British Dictionary definitions for attribute
verb (əˈtrɪbjuːt)
(tr usually foll by to) to regard as belonging (to), produced (by), or resulting (from); ascribe (to)to attribute a painting to Picasso
noun (ˈætrɪˌbjuːt)
a property, quality, or feature belonging to or representative of a person or thing
an object accepted as belonging to a particular office or position
an adjective or adjectival phrase
an attributive adjective
logicthe property, quality, or feature that is affirmed or denied concerning the subject of a proposition