The real difficulty is that competing accounts circulate in parallel universes that are not even close to balanced in their reach.
How an overload of riot porn is driving conflict in the streets|Bobbie Johnson|September 3, 2020|MIT Technology Review
The motor weight at the rear hub can make a bike feel oddly balanced.
Do You Want to Buy an E-Cargo Bike? Read This First.|Joe Lindsey|August 30, 2020|Outside Online
While likely balancing meltdowns, preparing balanced meals and trying to ensure continuity in their children’s education, parents have had a difficult time.
Back to school looks very different this year|Christi Olson|August 26, 2020|Search Engine Land
The prevailing view that sperm tails move in a balanced way, however, doesn’t capture what actually happens in three dimensions, researchers report July 31 in Science Advances.
Human sperm don’t swim the way that anyone had thought|Jack J. Lee|July 31, 2020|Science News
These oars were also counter-balanced with the lead that made them easier to handle for the oarsmen.
14 Exceptional Weapon Systems from History That Were Ahead of their Time|Dattatreya Mandal|March 26, 2020|Realm of History
Or, this year, the ways in which religious liberty (both real and imagined) is balanced against civil rights.
RFRA Madness: What’s Next for Anti-Democratic ‘Religious Exemptions’|Jay Michaelson|November 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The Great Invisible is something of a marvel—a balanced, unabridged portrait of life before and after the BP disaster.
Deepwater Horizon: Life Drowning in Oil|Samuel Fragoso|November 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
She now chronicles her recovery in her re-branded site called The Balanced Blonde.
Orthorexia: When Healthy Eating Becomes an Obsession|DailyBurn|October 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
That finding is a direct reflection of the original premise behind Roger Ailes pitching Fox News as “far and balanced.”