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[ fawr-ev-er-mawr, -mohr, fer- ] / fɔrˌɛv ərˈmɔr, -ˈmoʊr, fər- / SEE SYNONYMS FOR forevermore ON THESAURUS.COM
Origin of forevermoreFirst recorded in 1830–40; for + evermore Words nearby forevermorefore-topmast, fore-topsail, foretriangle, forever, forever and a day, forevermore, foreverness, forewarn, Forewarned is forearmed, forewaters, forewent Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for forevermoreThe phrase “Thank you very much for this lovely blunt object that I will forevermore use as a weapon against self doubt” was used. The Cult of Hathahaters: Will It Hurt Anne Hathaway’s Oscar Chances?|Kevin Fallon|January 20, 2013|DAILY BEAST “They might not like the fact that a guy is wearing a dress and singing,” says ForeverMORE! Republicans Embrace Theatrics—It’s Time for Barack Obama to Do the Same|Sally Kohn|July 20, 2012|DAILY BEAST Just before he was tossed off, the drummer threatened to make a ghost of himself, and haunt the Ogilvys forevermore. Adventurings in the Psychical|H. Addington Bruce But the time had a fierce velvet-softness that tried to draw him to it forevermore. The Planet Strappers|Raymond Zinke Gallun
They show the spiral journey of the soul until the man of earth and God are one forevermore. The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ|Levi H. Dowling It was in her heart that she was pledging herself sacredly, with this man, forevermore. The Sea Bride|Ben Ames Williams His friends were phantoms in the sunshine,—a vast gulf lay between them, now and forevermore. The Hill of Venus|Nathan Gallizier
British Dictionary definitions for forevermore
adverba more emphatic or emotive term for forever Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to forevermoreperpetually, regularly, constantly, consistently, repeatedly, invariably, ever, always, permanently, eternally, endlessly, forever, evermore, continually, for keeps, in perpetuum, till cows come home, till hell freezes over, everlastingly, unceasingly |