Let’s make the optimistic forecast that total StarTech’s total profits will rise at 6% a year over the next half-decade.
Will tech stocks stumble or slide? What the fundamentals tell us|Shawn Tully|September 16, 2020|Fortune
A 12-month forecast allows customers to be able to take their sales projections and fit them on top of the SEO opportunity.
SEO proposals: Particular challenges and how to avoid getting a silent no|SEOmonitor|September 10, 2020|Search Engine Watch
FOCUS is the latest in a series of studies into how humans make forecasts—an essential part of making good decisions.
What a study of video games can tell us about being better decision makers|Walter Frick|September 6, 2020|Quartz
The consensus forecast shows the unemployment rate will have dropped below 10%, but there is great uncertainty over how much of an improvement we may see.
Jittery investors eye today’s big jobs report as markets rebound from an epic sell-off|Bernhard Warner|September 4, 2020|Fortune
For instance, with Google’s RankBrain, you can recognize words and phrases to predict forecast results more accurately.
Voice search SEO guide: Trends and best practices|Ricky Wang|September 2, 2020|Search Engine Watch
Marx forecast that the profit motive would lead to overworking and exhausting the fertility of our soil and other natural systems.
American Democracy Under Threat for 250 Years|Jedediah Purdy|December 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
None, to my knowledge, had forecast the event, and now they would have to live with their lack of success.
The Stacks: How The Berlin Wall Inspired John le Carré’s First Masterpiece|John le Carré|November 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This uncertainty explains why the forecast, while optimistic, is highly variable.
Diesel Trains May Soon Use Natural Gas Instead|The Daily Beast|May 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But just as important, it's a forecast of the kind of warfare that American commandos anticipate they will be fighting.
Special Ops’ Weapons Wish List|Michael Peck|April 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
They forecast an endless and ashen winter for the country that began as a brilliant idea.
Richard Hofstadter and America’s New Wave of Anti-Intellectualism|David Masciotra|March 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
As we tried to forecast it, their plan is to desert the Elsinore in the boats as soon as we fetch up with the land.
The Mutiny of the Elsinore|Jack London
He died before the end of the war which so signally vindicated his wisdom and verified his forecast.
Marse Henry (Vol. 1)|Henry Watterson
A recent storm on the Great Lakes was forecast as being so severe that scarcely any vessels left port.
The Boy with the U. S. Weather Men|Francis William Rolt-Wheeler
Strange to say, I had a forecast that I should survive them.
The War Trail|Mayne Reid
It is an element of forecast, in addition to that of present personal merit, which has yet to be appraised and recognised.
Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development|Francis Galton
British Dictionary definitions for forecast
/ (ˈfɔːˌkɑːst) /
verb-casts, -casting, -castor-casted
to predict or calculate (weather, events, etc), in advance
(tr)to serve as an early indication of
(tr)to plan in advance
a statement of probable future weather conditions calculated from meteorological data