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[ snip-it ] / ˈsnɪp ɪt / SEE SYNONYMS FOR snippet ON THESAURUS.COM
nouna small piece snipped off; a small bit, scrap, or fragment: an anthology of snippets. Informal. a small or insignificant person. Origin of snippetFirst recorded in 1655–65; snip + -et Words nearby snippetsnipefish, snipe fly, sniper, sniperscope, snipper, snippet, snippy, snips, snit, snitch, snitch line Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for snippetThey are responsible for the title and snippet that users see on the search result page. Content marketing fails: How to analyze and improve|Michael Doer|August 27, 2020|Search Engine Watch Getting more exposure to your web site from Google search by enhancing your snippets can lead to more traffic to your web pages. Google rich results test tool adds support for article structured data|Barry Schwartz|August 10, 2020|Search Engine Land That’s because most common gene sequencing technologies create short snippets of DNA that then have to be stitched together. For the First Time, Scientists Fully Sequenced the Human X Chromosome|Edd Gent|July 20, 2020|Singularity Hub You can add your code snippet here, or the page URL and the testing tool will let you know if you’ve done it correctly or not. How to win at SEO with FAQ schema markup|Abhishek Shah|June 12, 2020|Search Engine Watch
Featured snippets appear for just about every question that is searched on Google. 10 Advanced SEO tactics to drive more traffic to your website|Christian Carere|June 8, 2020|Search Engine Watch Look again at the snippet of Anne Frank film while holding in mind a backdrop of recent events. Anne Frank’s Amsterdam|Russell Shorto|October 12, 2013|DAILY BEAST The clip showed a snippet of Armstrong's victory speech in Paris, the seventh and final of his Tour de France wins. You’re Over, Lance Armstrong|Buzz Bissinger|January 18, 2013|DAILY BEAST Not a snippet to be found on any of the security cameras at the grand homes along Sunset Boulevard? Chasen Murderer's Secret Past|A. L. Bardach|December 15, 2010|DAILY BEAST In particular, a snippet capturing the central character's reaction to the Son of God. Jerry Stahl's Reading List|Jerry Stahl|May 19, 2009|DAILY BEAST Consider, for example, this snippet of Greenspan's testimony today. If I Did It|Paul Kedrosky|October 23, 2008|DAILY BEAST "Snippet" was not in his dictionary, but he didn't like the sound of it. Keziah Coffin|Joseph C. Lincoln "Well, that Shirley snippet certainly isn't that," said Mrs. William sarcastically. Chronicles of Avonlea|Lucy Maud Montgomery Mischief, when his legs can trip it When his arms are pliant still Is so lovable a snippet That he's sure of your good will! Such is Life|Frank Wedekind The same scans are indexed by Google Books, but only accessible as snippet view. Adventures in the Philippine Islands|Paul P. de La Gironire "I dare say Snippet has put it out of place," said big brother James. Little Grandmother|Sophie May
British Dictionary definitions for snippet
nouna small scrap or fragment Derived forms of snippetsnippetiness, nounsnippety, adjectiveWord Origin for snippetC17: from snip + -et Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to snippetfragment, smidgen, bit, morsel, snip, part, piece, scrap |