Flipping through one of these cookbooks almost feels sneaky, like you’re peeking into someone’s grandma’s recipe box to find her most treasured culinary secrets.
The Joy of Cooking Other People’s ‘Secret Family Recipes’|Amy McCarthy|September 11, 2020|Eater
Nobody checks where the reviews come from, so anybody can write anything about your product here including sneaky competitors trying to manipulate your rating.
How to turn your customer feedback into a driving force for your product|Maria Kazakova|June 18, 2020|Search Engine Watch
"Hello Kitty" as a double entendre is actually surprisingly modest and sneaky.
Avril Lavigne’s Dumb ‘Hello Kitty’ Video Is Rife with Cultural Appropriation|Amy Zimmerman|April 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The California computer hack that threatened women, including Miss Teen USA, will get jail time for his sneaky sexploits.
College Student is Sentenced for ‘Sextortion’|Lizzie Crocker|March 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Channeling his best Madoff—with a dash of Paulson and Falcone—Richard Gere plays a sneaky financier in ‘Arbitrage.’
In ‘Arbitrage,’ Richard Gere Shows How the Price Is Right|Daniel Gross|September 13, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Apple used to count Google as an ally, but now views Google as a sneaky betrayer.
Apple’s Move to Spite Google and Use Its Own Map Software Hurts Customers|Dan Lyons|June 21, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Sneaky Santorum Reporters and pundits everywhere hailed the exit poll of Ohio when it arrived at 7:30 p.m.
Super Tuesday Surprises: Catholics for Romney, Women for Santorum, and More|Ben Jacobs|March 7, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Sneaky rose from his position near Mother Wolf, and trotted in front of the rock.
Washer the Raccoon |George Ethelbert Walsh
“Sneaky, you run down to the brook and get some water,” she commanded.
Washer the Raccoon |George Ethelbert Walsh
If he hurt one of them Sneaky or Mother Wolf would pounce upon him and kill him in a flash.
Washer the Raccoon |George Ethelbert Walsh
It seemed to him a sneaky thing for Cathy to do, to go searching the attic while he was out of the house.
Jerry's Charge Account|Hazel Hutchins Wilson
Just then the wolves broke through the bushes and came racing toward the tree, with Sneaky in the lead.