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[ foot-wurk ] / ˈfʊtˌwɜrk / SEE SYNONYMS FOR footwork ON THESAURUS.COM
nounthe use of the feet, as in tennis, boxing, or dancing. travel by foot from one place to another, as in gathering facts or fulfilling an assignment; legwork: The project entailed a great deal of footwork. the act or process of maneuvering, especially in a skillful manner: It took a bit of fancy footwork to avoid the issue. Origin of footworkFirst recorded in 1560–70; foot + work Words nearby footworkfootwall, foot warmer, footway, footwear, footwell, footwork, footworn, footy, foo yong, foozle, fop Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for footworkSmedinghoff sought to make herself more credible by brushing up on her own footwork after-hours. Anne Smedinghoff, the Hero Diplomat We Lost in Afghanistan|Michael Daly|April 9, 2013|DAILY BEAST Shuffling around the ring he has the footwork of a tyrannosaurus. Vitali Klitschko Contemplates Bowing Out of the Ring and Entering Ukrainian Politics|Gordon Marino|March 26, 2013|DAILY BEAST “Footwork” dancers trade spontaneous steps, competing with each other inside a circle of rapt onlookers. Why Chicago Is Now America's Hottest City|Raymond Sokolov|February 28, 2011|DAILY BEAST "It doesn't take a lot of footwork to wire money and transfer client funds from one office to another," said the London source. Was Madoff 'Victim' and Best Friend an Accomplice?|Lucinda Franks|April 23, 2009|DAILY BEAST
Despite his greater size, Treadwell was himself nimble and an adept at footwork. Dave Darrin's Second Year at Annapolis|H. Irving Hancock A net was put up on the field, and for an hour or so they beat about, regardless of science and footwork. The Loom of Youth|Alec Waugh It was all footwork and their progress was very slow, but eventually they won through. Kindred of the Dust|Peter B. Kyne Now footwork was one of the fighting tricks for which Darry was famous. Dave Darrin's Second Year at Annapolis|H. Irving Hancock This last escaped Reade as he blocked the blow, and again displayed a neat little bit of footwork. The Young Engineers in Arizona|H. Irving Hancock
British Dictionary definitions for footwork
nounskilful use of the feet, as in sports, dancing, etc informal clever manoeuvringdeft political footwork informal preliminary groundworkmany estate agents now do the footwork – you only need to visit Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to footworkramble, perambulation, walk, turn, saunter, stroll, ambulation, airing, legwork |