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[ fond ] / fɒnd / SEE SYNONYMS FOR fond ON THESAURUS.COM
adjective, fond·er, fond·est.having a liking or affection for (usually followed by of): to be fond of animals. loving; affectionate: to give someone a fond look. excessively tender or overindulgent; doting: a fond parent. cherished with strong or unreasoning feeling: to nourish fond hopes of becoming president. Archaic. foolish or silly. Archaic. foolishly credulous or trusting. Origin of fond11300–50; Middle English fond, fonned (past participle of fonnen to be foolish, originally, to lose flavor, sour) SYNONYMS FOR fond2 cherishing. 5 infatuated. 6 gullible. SEE SYNONYMS FOR fond ON THESAURUS.COM Words nearby fondfomite, fomites, FOMO, Fomorian, Fon, fond, fonda, fondant, Fond du Lac, fondle, fondly Definition for fond (2 of 2)[ fond; French fawn ] / fɒnd; French fɔ̃ /
noun, plural fonds [fondz; French fawn]. /fɒndz; French fɔ̃/. a background or groundwork, especially of lace. Obsolete. fund; stock. Origin of fond2From French, dating back to 1655–65; see origin at fund Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for fondI’m particularly fond of the video of tiny legless larvae leaping into the air, accompanied by Strauss’ “Also sprach Zarathustra.” Data visualizations turn numbers into a story|Nancy Shute|August 3, 2020|Science News As Warren Smith, CEO of the San Diego Loyal is fond of saying, “San Diego is the Soccer Capital of North America … it just doesn’t know it yet.” Public Benefits Define Midway Proposal|Frank Wolden, Aruna Doddapaneni and Colin Parent|July 21, 2020|Voice of San Diego Sometimes,” he is fond of telling the press, “the target draws the arrow. McConaughey’s ‘Stand’—And Ours|James Poulos|December 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST You also seem to be fond of the way the film treated gravity—as opposed to your reservations about the film Gravity. Neil deGrasse Tyson Breaks Down ‘Interstellar’: Black Holes, Time Dilations, and Massive Waves|Marlow Stern|November 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
She met a Forbes at the club the other night who is fond of literature. Russia’s Gold Digger Academy|Peter Pomerantsev|November 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST For that matter, they never seemed too fond of anything adults liked in the way of books, movies, or music. Exile on Sesame Street: Keith Richards Writes a Kids’ Book|Malcolm Jones|September 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST Commuters at Hackney Wick greeted by fond tribute to the late comedienne. London Transport's Cheeky Tribute to Joan Rivers|Tom Sykes|September 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST Lizzie, indeed, is fond of work; she is busy all day long, and it is evident that her sewing-machine is not allowed to rust. London's Heart|B. L. (Benjamin Leopold) Farjeon This caused him to keep very close to the house, as he was not fond of demonstration. Uncle Daniel's Story Of "Tom" Anderson|John McElroy Judith had been as fond of Uncle William as all the rest of them. The Hall and the Grange|Archibald Marshall Kate, who was fond of Mr. Twentyman, rushed up and opened the front door at once. The American Senator|Anthony Trollope The footman was fond of reading, and used often in the evening to entertain the other servants with some amusing book. Favorite Fairy Tales|Logan Marshall
British Dictionary definitions for fond (1 of 2)
adjective(postpositive foll by of) predisposed (to); having a liking (for) loving; tendera fond embrace indulgent; dotinga fond mother (of hopes, wishes, etc) cherished but unlikely to be realizedhe had fond hopes of starting his own business archaic, or dialect - foolish
- credulous
Derived forms of fondfondly, adverbfondness, nounWord Origin for fondC14 fonned, from fonnen to be foolish, from fonne a fool British Dictionary definitions for fond (2 of 2)
nounthe background of a design, as in lace obsolete fund; stock Word Origin for fondC17: from French, from Latin fundus bottom; see fund Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to fondsympathetic, affectionate, enamored, sentimental, indulgent, addicted, amorous, devoted, doting, loving, mushy, partial, predisposed, responsive, romantic, tender, warm, adoring, attached, caring |