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Example sentences from the Web for smudgingI like taking that old Hollywood idea and putting rock and roll on top of it and messing it up and smudging it. Evan Rachel Wood Grows Up|Rachel Syme|June 16, 2009|DAILY BEAST The dropped cigarette stump lay where it had fallen, smudging and smelling. The Portygee|Joseph Crosby Lincoln The streak of something slovenly crept into the nobility, smudging it, so to speak, with a blur. The Bright Messenger|Algernon Blackwood The pale rose of sunrise is smudging over the last flickerings of the grey night. Cavalry of the Clouds|Alan Bott
Nevertheless, the assassin was quite equal to smudging out the detectives, believe me, Sir Walter. The Grey Room|Eden Phillpotts The more you put on, the more your smudge rebels against its proper task of smudging. Fisherman's Luck|Henry van Dyke
nouna traditional Native American method of using smoke from burning herbs to purify a space Words nearby smudgingSMSA, SMSgt, SMTP, smudge, smudge pot, smudging, smudgy, smug, smuggery, smuggle, smur Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to smudgingblot, blemish, daub, sully, blacken, spatter, spot, smut, smutch, blur, macule, defile, smirch, slop, soil, plaster, grime, blotch, taint, foul |