释义 |
[ foh-lee-oh ] / ˈfoʊ liˌoʊ / SEE SYNONYMS FOR folio ON THESAURUS.COM
noun, plural fo·li·os.a sheet of paper folded once to make two leaves, or four pages, of a book or manuscript. a volume having pages of the largest size, formerly made from such a sheet. a leaf of a manuscript or book numbered only on the front side. a case that, when closed, covers and protects both the screen and the back panel of a mobile device, as a tablet or smartphone. Printing. - (in a book) the number of each page.
- (in a newspaper) the number of each page together with the date and the name of the newspaper.
Bookkeeping. a page of an account book or a left-hand page and a right-hand page facing each other and having the same serial number. Law. a certain number of words, in the U.S. generally 100, taken as a unit for computing the length of a document. adjectivepertaining to or having the format of a folio: a folio volume. verb (used with object), fo·li·oed, fo·li·o·ing.to number each leaf or page of. Law. to mark each folio in (a pleading or the like) with the proper number. Origin of folio1525–35; <Latin foliō (originally in phrase in foliō in a leaf, sheet), ablative of foliumfolium Words nearby foliofoliicolous, foliiferous, folinate, folinic acid, Folin's test, folio, foliolate, foliole, folio recto, foliose, -folious Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for folioLike yacht and horse racing, wine making is a wildly expensive proposition, says Michael Mondavi, founder of Folio Wines. Billionaire Divorcee's Happy Ending|Sandra McElwaine|January 24, 2011|DAILY BEAST The bands are also stretched upon the sewing frame; for folio, at least six are used, and for quarto not less than four. Practical Bookbinding|Paul Adam One at folio 230 represents the knights parading round the lists to show themselves before the commencement of the sports. Scenes and Characters of the Middle Ages|Edward Lewes Cutts Now, in this first folio, Heminge and Condell began marking divisions for intervals in the plays. Shakespeare in the Theatre|William Poel
In Great Britain, a “folio” is taken to contain 72 words, except in parliamentary and chancery documents, when the number is 90. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 10, Slice 5|Various The ballad was printed by Percy from two MS. copies, one of them in the editor's folio collection. English and Scottish Ballads, Volume VII (of 8)|Various
British Dictionary definitions for folio
noun plural -liosa sheet of paper folded in half to make two leaves for a book or manuscript a book or manuscript of the largest common size made up of such sheets a leaf of paper or parchment numbered on the front side only a page number in a book law a unit of measurement of the length of legal documents, determined by the number of words, generally 72 or 90 in Britain and 100 in the US NZ a collection of related material adjectiverelating to or having the format of a folioa folio edition verb -lios, -lioing or -lioed(tr) to number the leaves of (a book) consecutively Word Origin for folioC16: from Latin phrase in foliō in a leaf, from folium leaf Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to foliosheet, sum, total, figure, statistic, plate, layer, leaf, coat, blanket, surface, foil, piece, slab, essay, album, novel, publication, dictionary, pamphlet |