Reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, restoring habitat, and cleaning up polluted sites can be a sluggish process without immediate reward.
Bird songs got sexier during the COVID-19 shutdown|Ula Chrobak|September 24, 2020|Popular Science
If your internet is still sluggish, the issue may be more local.
Follow these steps to supercharge your wifi|Anne Quito|September 20, 2020|Quartz
Jerry Brown fired Miller in the fall of 2011 as he sought to revive California’s sluggish economy.
Oil Companies Are Profiting From Illegal Spills. And California Lets Them.|by Janet Wilson, The Desert Sun, and Lylla Younes, ProPublica|September 18, 2020|ProPublica
If you’re feeling a little more sluggish than usual after months upon months of working and socializing from home, you aren’t alone.
The safest ways to exercise during a pandemic|Sara Kiley Watson|September 9, 2020|Popular Science
That business was sluggish in the spring, Sibley said, though it has begun to come back over the past couple weeks.
‘A healthy rebound’: Programmatic rally continues for publishers|Max Willens|September 3, 2020|Digiday
Dolores has abundant gripes, late arrivals, and a sluggish pace among them.
Leaky Ceilings, Catcalls, and Uncaged Pythons: 4 Hours on NYC’s Worst Subway|Kevin Zawacki|August 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But if the sluggish status quo persists, then the candidate of “hope and change” will likely leave as divisive as his predecessor.
Worst Fifth Year Ever? Maybe. But the Economy Will be the Judge of Obama|Jamelle Bouie|December 18, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Local authorities and international donors have come under intense criticism for what many see as a sluggish response.
Typhoon Haiyan: The Philippine Village that Lost Its Men|The Telegraph|November 17, 2013|DAILY BEAST
But in an age of sluggish consumer demand, any incremental increase is welcome.
Chinese Consumers Are Buying Cherries Directly From American Farmers|Kelsey Meany|August 17, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Hail to the cuddly giant panda, Sluggish slave of propangada.
To Honor Canada Hosting Two Giant Pandas, Here's Ten Beautiful Photos of Pandas|David Frum, Justin Green|March 25, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Only from far away came the murmur of the sluggish waters of the Maros, and from its shores the call of a heron to its mate.
A Bride of the Plains|Baroness Emmuska Orczy
The mind of one who does not work for that which he needs, but commands it from others, grows heavy and sluggish.
The Montessori Method|Maria Montessori
The ridge made a sort of dam in the river; and above there was a long reach, smooth and sluggish.
The Woman from Outside|Hulbert Footner
Their sluggish minds were prone to all the superstition of the Middle Ages.
History of the Jews, Vol. III (of 6)|Heinrich Graetz
The heat of a summer or early autumn day makes them sluggish, but an hour or two in the evening is sometimes remunerative.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1|Various