a device for hurling stones or other missiles that consists, typically, of a short strap with a long string at each end and that is operated by placing the missile in the strap, and, holding the ends of the strings in one hand, whirling the instrument around in a circle and releasing one of the strings to discharge the missile.
a slingshot.
a bandage used to suspend or support an injured part of the body, commonly a bandage suspended from the neck to support an injured arm or hand.
a strap, band, or the like, forming a loop by which something is suspended or carried, as a strap attached to a rifle and passed over the shoulder.
an act or instance of slinging.
a rope, chain, net, etc., for hoisting freight or for holding it while being hoisted.
a chain for supporting a hoisting yard.
slings,the area of a hoisting yard to which such chains are attached; the middle of a hoisting yard.
verb (used with object),slung,sling·ing.
to throw, cast, or hurl; fling, as from the hand.
to place in or secure with a sling to raise or lower.
to raise, lower, etc., by such means.
to hang by a sling or place so as to swing loosely: to sling a rifle over one's shoulder.
to suspend: to sling a hammock between two trees.
Idioms for sling
sling hash, Slang. to work as a waiter or waitress, especially at a lunch counter or cheap restaurant.
Origin of sling
First recorded in 1175–1225; Middle English (verb) slyngen, from Old Norse slyngva “to sling, fling,” cognate with Old English slingan “to wind, twist”; (noun) Middle English, perhaps derivative of the verb, though the sense “strap, hoist” may be of distinct origin
If a route has a particularly tricky clip, extend the draw with a longer sling or by linking dog bones together to make it easier to clip from a better or safer stance.
How to Actually Get Better at Climbing|Hayden Carpenter|October 1, 2020|Outside Online
My fantasy unravels when she opens the robe, revealing a sling around her broken arm.
The Singular Artist of New Yorkistan|Lizzie Crocker|November 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The rifle was found nearby, one end of the sling having become detached from the butt.
We Already Know What Adam Lanza’s Real Motive Was at Sandy Hook|Michael Daly|November 26, 2013|DAILY BEAST
In Sling Blade, Billy Bob Thornton's character fixes lawnmowers but he sounds as if he swallowed one.