These aren’t the flashiest aspects of the device, but as Samsung shifts its focus from early adopters to productivity-oriented users, they’re going to be important.
Small upgrades could make for big improvements in Samsung’s latest folding smartphone|Stan Horaczek|September 2, 2020|Popular Science
Charcoal grills don’t have the flashy features that pellet and some propane grills do, but that’s part of what makes them great.
5 Portable Grills for All Your Outdoor Cooking Needs|Amy Marturana Winderl|September 2, 2020|Outside Online
The city of San Diego is choosing between flashy proposals to redevelop Pechanga Arena area, but has said little about its very real vulnerability to flooding from rising sea levels.
Nobody’s Talking About the Sports Arena Flood Zone|MacKenzie Elmer|August 19, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Those flashy colors may help corals win back their lost algal partners, a new study finds.
Going bright may help corals recover from bleaching|Carolyn Wilke|June 25, 2020|Science News For Students
Hilbert was a flashy man who helicoptered five miles daily over corn fields to and from the office.
The Very Rich Should Divorce Very Quietly|Vicky Ward|November 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The flashy businessman who sold her implants, meanwhile, lived a life of luxury.
Patients Screwed in Spine Surgery ‘Scam’|The Center for Investigative Reporting|November 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
She's slim, blond and healthy-beautiful, but makes no attempt to be flashy.
Will the Real Jim Palmer Please Stand Up|Tom Boswell|September 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The flashy release was emblematic of everything people love—and hate—about the band.
U2 Generously Gives Us a Lousy Album, Sucks at the Corporate Teat|Hampton Stevens|September 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Hugh Jackman has been Wolverine in the movies and the flashy Boy From Oz on stage.
Fall Broadway Preview: 'This Is Our Youth,' Bradley Cooper as ‘The Elephant Man,' and More|Janice Kaplan|September 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It is of the same feeble character as the flashy modern moralizations upon War.
The Posthumous Works of Thomas De Quincey, Vol. 1 (2 vols)|Thomas De Quincey
He was dressed in a flashy style, not unlike what is popularly denominated a swell.
The Cash Boy|Horatio Alger Jr.
He went on to upbraid me as a flashy notionist and yet, even so, I was constrained to listen to him in silence.'
A Book of Quaker Saints|Lucy Violet Hodgkin
Ross and Donald made a flashy start, immediately taking the lead.
Dan Carter and the Great Carved Face|Mildred A. Wirt
The trade was eminently suited for Germans, as the natives readily bartered for cheap and flashy goods "made in Germany."
Germany's Vanishing Colonies|Gordon Le Sueur
British Dictionary definitions for flashy
/ (ˈflæʃɪ) /
brilliant and dazzling, esp for a short time or in a superficial way