[ sleek ] SHOW IPA
adjective, sleek·er, sleek·est. smooth or glossy, as hair, an animal, etc.
well-fed or well-groomed.
trim and graceful; finely contoured; streamlined: a sleek sports car.
smooth in manners, speech, etc.; suave.
cleverly or deceitfully skillful; slick: a sleek confidence man.
Origin of sleek 1 First recorded in 1580–90; variant of slick1
OTHER WORDS FROM sleek sleekly, adverb sleekness, noun Words nearby sleek sledder, sledding, sled dog, sledge, sledgehammer, sleek , sleekit, sleeky, sleep, sleep apnea, sleep apnoea
Definition for sleek (2 of 2) [ sleek or slee -kuh n ] SHOW IPA
/ slik or ˈsli kən / PHONETIC RESPELLING
verb (used with object) to make sleek; smooth; slick: to sleek leather.
Origin of sleek 2 1400–50; late Middle English sleken, variant of slick2
OTHER WORDS FROM sleek sleeker, noun Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for sleek This sprayer has a bold, sleek ergonomic design and boasts a fan pattern sprayer which helps propel and coat foods evenly.
Best oil sprayers and misters for home chefs | PopSci Commerce Team| September 11, 2020| Popular Science
This sleek pot comes in two popular sizes—eight or 12 quart—and is easy to clean, thanks to being dishwasher-safe.
The best stockpots for your kitchen | PopSci Commerce Team| September 9, 2020| Popular Science
If you are looking for something simple and sleek , this tray is a great option.
Bathtub trays that will keep you entertained and relaxed | PopSci Commerce Team| September 2, 2020| Popular Science
In Neuralink’s “coming out” party last year, the company envisioned a wireless neural implant with a sleek ivory processing unit worn at the back of the ear.
Neuralink’s Wildly Anticipated New Brain Implant: the Hype vs. the Science | Shelly Fan| September 1, 2020| Singularity Hub
Gone is the plasticky design of early models, traded up for a sleek and sturdy glass and aluminum design.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S7+ hands-on | Brian Heater| August 7, 2020| TechCrunch
With a sleek look and perfect pour, the Axium is the decanter of choice for serving red wine during the cold winter months.
The Daily Beast’s 2014 Holiday Gift Guide: For the Andy Warhol in Your Life | Allison McNearney| November 29, 2014| DAILY BEAST
But early vampire myths were a far cry from the sleek , cloaked version Stoker described.
Bulgaria’s Vampire Graveyards | Nina Strochlic| October 15, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The sleek , peanut-shell sized device slips on near the collarbone.
Lumo Lift Vibrates You Into Better Posture | Gregory Ferenstein| August 26, 2014| DAILY BEAST
If ESPN is a sleek bachelor pad, ESPNW is the cottage next door filled with Activia and ultra-soft toilet paper.
Women's Sports Are Getting Less Airtime | Evelyn Shoop| August 23, 2014| DAILY BEAST
He had brought home a sleek new camper with a kitchenette, polished wooden cabinets, and foldout beds.
‘Tracing the Blue Light’: Read Chapter 1 of Eileen Cronin’s ‘Mermaid’ | Eileen Cronin| April 8, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Slightly to one side, the sleek line of a British cruiser was visible, and beyond it a trio of lean, wolfish destroyers.
The Caves of Fear | John Blaine
Plump, and short, and sleek was Mr. Hezekiah Diggs, the justice of the peace of Snagtown.
Brother Against Brother | John Roy Musick
His sleek face, garlanded with mutton-chop whiskers, was creased in smiles.
The Statesmen Snowbound | Robert Fitzgerald
Their pilots hadn't seen the three Spitfires as yet, being busy spotting the sleek destroyer.
A Yankee Flier with the R.A.F. | Rutherford G. Montgomery
Darsie shut her eyes and purred like a sleek , lazy little cat.
A College Girl | Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey
British Dictionary definitions for sleek adjective smooth and shiny; polished
polished in speech or behaviour; unctuous
(of an animal or bird) having a shiny healthy coat or feathers
(of a person) having a prosperous appearance
verb (tr) to make smooth and glossy, as by grooming, etc
(usually foll by over) to cover (up), as by making more agreeable; gloss (over)
Derived forms of sleek sleekly , adverb sleekness , noun sleeky , adjective Word Origin for sleek C16: variant of slick
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to sleek polished, glistening, shiny, silky, satin, glassy, lustrous, silken