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[ skur-ting ] / ˈskɜr tɪŋ / SEE SYNONYMS FOR skirting ON THESAURUS.COM
nounfabric for making skirts. Often skirtings. low-grade wool and foreign matter removed from the outer edges of fleece. Also called skirting board .British. baseboard (def. 1). Origin of skirtingFirst recorded in 1680–90; skirt + -ing1 Words nearby skirtingskirr, skirret, skirt, skirt chaser, skirter, skirting, skirting board, skirtings, skirt steak, ski run, ski stick Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for skirtingThe story is Lardner at his best, skirting the fence between sentimentality and cynicism and achieving pathos. The Forgotten Genius of Ring Lardner|Allen Barra|September 1, 2013|DAILY BEAST From an overseas haven to a TARP gift to Nascar, companies are skirting the IRS. 8 Ridiculous Tax Loopholes: How Companies Are Avoiding the Tax Man|Josh Dzieza|February 25, 2012|DAILY BEAST Senior officials normally observe a longstanding political taboo by skirting around such tales of torment. China's Leader Breaks a Taboo|Melinda Liu|November 6, 2011|DAILY BEAST From the road you perceive, skirting the loch on the other side, what seems a fringe of very small bushes. Scottish Loch Scenery|Thomas A. Croal
We descend, skirting for some distance the monastery walls, over which patches of ivy hang like green shawls. Saunterings|Charles Dudley Warner Skirting the spinney, we followed the brook course, and came at last to the quarry fence. The White Peacock|D. H. (David Herbert) Lawrence And it should be a wood—perhaps a forest—rather than a skirting of timber. Methods of Authors|Hugo Erichsen But as we were skirting along the shore I suddenly called "Hist!" A Florida Sketch-Book|Bradford Torrey
British Dictionary definitions for skirting
nouna border, esp of wood or tiles, fixed round the base of an interior wall to protect it from kicks, dirt, etc material used or suitable for skirts Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to skirtingdodge, elude, sidestep, evade, ignore, bypass, circumvent, fringe, rim, bound, surround, edge, verge, hem, flank, margin, define, skip, equivocate, duck |