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[ siz-uhl ] / ˈsɪz əl / SEE SYNONYMS FOR sizzle ON THESAURUS.COM
verb (used without object), siz·zled, siz·zling.to make a hissing sound, as in frying or burning. Informal. to be very hot: It's sizzling out. Informal. to be very angry; harbor deep resentment: I'm still sizzling over that insult. verb (used with object), siz·zled, siz·zling.to fry or burn with or as if with a hissing sound: to sizzle steaks on the grill; The sun sizzles the pavement. Origin of sizzle1595–1605; imitative; see -le SYNONYMS FOR sizzle1 sputter, spatter, crackle, hiss. SEE SYNONYMS FOR sizzle ON THESAURUS.COM OTHER WORDS FROM sizzlesizzler, nounsiz·zling·ly, adverbWords nearby sizzlesize-up, size-weight illusion, size zero, sizing, sizy, sizzle, sizzler, sizzling, S.J., SJA, Sjaelland Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for sizzleMrs. Clinton gave them just the sizzle they yearned for in a recent interview in The Atlantic. Here's How to Dig Out of This 'Stupid Sh*t' U.S. Foreign Policy|Leslie H. Gelb|August 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST As soon as everything started to sizzle hard, lots of water was added to the pot along with a small handful of salt. Two Chickens, an Old Guitar, and a Group of Strangers: A Life-Changing Feast in Brazil|Annabel Langbein|November 29, 2013|DAILY BEAST It is, on the other hand, a sizzle reel of quotable dialogue. ‘Girls’ Season 3 Trailer Debuts. Is It the Most Relatable Yet?|Kevin Fallon|November 22, 2013|DAILY BEAST “That seven-minute sizzle reel got seven TV offers,” Farah remembers. How ‘Billy on the Street’ Host Billy Eichner Hit the Mainstream|Kevin Fallon|February 12, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Indeed, this is not the kind of shop that would appeal to the 50-something woman with a hankering for flash and sizzle. Fashion of a Certain Age New Website Halsbrook.com Caters to Mature Shoppers|Robin Givhan|November 4, 2012|DAILY BEAST He was slowly being cremated and it was fascinating to watch him sizzle. In Africa|John T. McCutcheon He threw it into the fire; and, with a sombre satisfaction, watched it sizzle. Harlequin and Columbine|Booth Tarkington There was a sizzle and odour of burning flesh, and a sharp cry of pain. It was the savory smell of cooking hominy and the sizzle of broiling fish that woke Jeremy next morning. The Black Buccaneer|Stephen W. Meader When it begins to sizzle add the yolk of an egg and season with parsley. The Silly Syclopedia|Noah Lott
British Dictionary definitions for sizzle
verb (intr)to make the hissing sound characteristic of frying fat informal to be very hot informal to be very angry Word Origin for sizzleC17: of imitative origin. Compare siss (now dialect) to hiss, West Frisian size, siizje. See also fizz and fizzle Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to sizzlegrill, sear, crackle, fizzle, roast, sputter, broil, brown, swish, spit, whisper, sibilate, whiz, buzz, cook, wheeze, fizz, frizzle |