violin: Her aunt plays first fiddle with the state symphony orchestra.
Nautical. a small ledge or barrier raised in heavy weather to keep dishes, pots, utensils, etc., from sliding off tables and stoves.
BritishInformal. swindle; fraud.
verb (used without object),fid·dled,fid·dling.
to play on the fiddle.
to make trifling or fussing movements with the hands (often followed by with): fiddling with his cuffs.
to touch or manipulate something, as to operate or adjust it; tinker (often followed by with): You may have to fiddle with the antenna to get a clear picture on the TV.
to waste time; trifle; dally (often followed by around): Stop fiddling around and get to work.
BritishInformal. to cheat.
verb (used with object),fid·dled,fid·dling.
to play (a tune) on a fiddle.
to trifle or waste (usually used with away): to fiddle time away.
Bookbinding. to bind together (sections or leaves of a book) by threading a cord through holes cut lengthwise into the back.
to falsify: to fiddle the account books.
to cheat: to fiddle the company out of expense money.
Idioms for fiddle
fine as a fiddle, South Midland and Southern U.S.fiddle (def. 15).
fit as a fiddle, in perfect health; very fit: The doctor told him he was fit as a fiddle.Also as fit as a fiddle.
play second fiddle. second fiddle.
Origin of fiddle
before 1000; Middle English; Old English fithele (cognate with German Fiedel,Dutch vedel,Old High German fidula) probably <Vulgar Latin *vītula (cf. viol, viola1), perhaps derivative of Latin vītulārī to rejoice