the class of literature comprising works of imaginative narration, especially in prose form.
works of this class, as novels or short stories: detective fiction.
something feigned, invented, or imagined; a made-up story: We've all heard the fiction of her being in delicate health.
the act of feigning, inventing, or imagining.
an imaginary thing or event, postulated for the purposes of argument or explanation.
Law. an allegation that a fact exists that is known not to exist, made by authority of law to bring a case within the operation of a rule of law.
Origin of fiction
First recorded in 1375–1425; late Middle English ficcio(u)n, from French, from Latin fictiōn- (stem of fictiō ) “a shaping,” hence “a feigning, fiction,” equivalent to fict(us) “molded” (past participle of fingere ) + -iōn- -ion;see figment
3 fable, fantasy.
3 fact.
synonym study for fiction
3. Fiction,fabrication,figment suggest a story that is without basis in reality. Fiction suggests a story invented and fashioned either to entertain or to deceive: clever fiction; pure fiction.Fabrication applies particularly to a false but carefully invented statement or series of statements, in which some truth is sometimes interwoven, the whole usually intended to deceive: fabrications to lure speculators.Figment applies to a tale, idea, or statement often made up to explain, justify, or glorify oneself: His rich uncle was a figment of his imagination.
This is why GPT-3 shines when writing creative fiction, where factual accuracy is less of a concern.
Welcome to the Next Level of Bullshit - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Raphaël Millière|September 9, 2020|Nautilus
Your write that language, like fiction, creates meaning where none existed before.
Talking Is Throwing Fictional Worlds at One Another - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Kevin Berger|September 9, 2020|Nautilus
They’re probably all wrong to start with, and then we try and link those fictions with other people’s fictions.
Talking Is Throwing Fictional Worlds at One Another - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Kevin Berger|September 9, 2020|Nautilus
Indeed, a lot of serious science fiction work aims to scare us away from less-than-palatable trajectories we might be considering, or have already embarked on.
Solarpunk Is Growing a Gorgeous New World in the Cracks of the Old One|Carin Ism|September 6, 2020|Singularity Hub
Mulan’s entry into masculine spaces is celebrated, for example, because women embracing traits strongly associated with masculinity is celebrated in fiction.
Toward a queer Disney canon|Emily VanDerWerff|September 4, 2020|Vox
While politics tend to migrate toward the poles, humanity—and fiction, at its best—huddles in between.
The 2014 Novel of the Year|Nathaniel Rich|December 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
They hire other people to write their books for them, whether memoir or fiction.
“Fictional,” “Fictitious,” And “Fictive”: Are They Synonyms?We swear we're not making up the differences between fictional, fictitious, and fictive! Learn which word works best for the next tall tale you hear.
Literature that is a work of the imagination and is not necessarily based on fact. Some examples of modern works of fiction are The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov.