Tennant, who was recently voted the favourite Doctor of the past 50 years, left the show in 2010.
A Primer For Doctor Who’s ‘Day of the Doctor’ Episode|Chancellor Agard|November 23, 2013|DAILY BEAST
This "lake of the mountains" is a favourite place for picnics and pleasure trips from Northport and Belleville.
Life in the Clearings versus the Bush|Susanna Moodie
She did insinuatingly ask Wilbur what his favourite flower was, but this got her nowhere, because it proved that he did not know.
The Wrong Twin|Harry Leon Wilson
At first, a love-song was the favourite sort, with a refrain of douce amie, and so on.
Medieval English Literature|William Paton Ker
It seemed a favourite on board the schooner, for it was played most of all.
A Son Of The Sun|Jack London
A gentleman having to proceed from the north of England to London by sea, left his favourite dog behind.
Stories of Animal Sagacity|W.H.G. Kingston
/ (ˈfeɪvərɪt, ˈfeɪvrɪt) /
(prenominal)most liked; preferred above all others
a person or thing regarded with especial preference or liking
(as modifier)a favourite book
sporta competitor thought likely to win
(pl)computinga place on certain browsers that allows internet users to list the addresses of websites they find and like with a click of the mouse so that they can revisit them merely by opening the list and clicking on the address
play favouritesto display favouritism
Word Origin for favourite
C16: from Italian favorito, from favorire to favour, from Latin favēre