Gaga's featured in it, looking glam and wielding her weapon of choice: a handgun with a silencer.
Lady Gaga’s Kick-Ass Movie Debut As A Sexy Assassin In ‘Machete Kills’|Marlow Stern|October 8, 2013|DAILY BEAST
And it seems no one heard a sound, leading to the presumption that the killer—or killers—used a silencer.
Murder on the Rue Lafayette|Christopher Dickey|January 29, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Three of the four had driven from Sweden into Denmark armed with a machine gun with silencer and a pistol.
Bin Laden Message to France: Full Court Press on Afghanistan|Bruce Riedel|January 21, 2011|DAILY BEAST
So, with silencer in readiness, he puckered his lips and gave a low whistle.
Dreamy Hollow|Sumner Charles Britton
The mere possession of any kind of "silencer" should constitute a most serious criminal offence.
Animal Sanctuaries in Labrador|William Wood
She was carrying the gun, unscrewing the silencer as we walked.
Murder at Bridge|Anne Austin
If it interests you, I may as well explain that I came by the silencer several years ago, when I was on the bench.
Murder at Bridge|Anne Austin
He opened a drawer of the desk, and took out Garson's pistol, to which the silencer was still attached.
Within the Law|Marvin Dana
British Dictionary definitions for silencer
/ (ˈsaɪlənsə) /
any device designed to reduce noise, esp the tubular device containing baffle plates in the exhaust system of a motor vehicleUS and Canadian name: muffler
a tubular device fitted to the muzzle of a firearm to deaden the report