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[ sik-lee ] / ˈsɪk li / SEE SYNONYMS FOR sickly ON THESAURUS.COM
adjective, sick·li·er, sick·li·est.not strong; unhealthy; ailing. of, connected with, or arising from ill health: a sickly complexion. marked by the prevalence of ill health, as a region: the epidemic left the town sickly. causing sickness. nauseating. maudlin and insipid; mawkish: sickly sentimentality. faint or feeble, as light or color. adverbin a sick or sickly manner. verb (used with object), sick·lied, sick·ly·ing.to cover with a sickly hue. Origin of sickly1300–50; Middle English siklich, sekly (adj.). See sick1, -ly SYNONYMS FOR sickly1 frail, weak, puny, sick, feeble, infirm. SEE SYNONYMS FOR sickly ON THESAURUS.COM OTHER WORDS FROM sicklysick·li·ness, nounWords nearby sicklysickle-hocked, sickle medick, sicklemia, sickling, sick list, sickly, sickness, sickness benefit, sick note, sicko, sickout Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for sicklyFurthermore, use the bones from healthy looking game animals that you’ve taken and avoid using the bones from sickly ones. Bone broth will sustain you at home and in the wild. Here’s how to make it.|By Tim MacWelch/Outdoor Life|October 5, 2020|Popular Science Neruda suffered from cancer, and he looked unwell, with a sickly yellow glow. In Chile, Poetry Outlives the Dictators|Jay Parini|October 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST How did your family react to seeing you so skinny and sickly looking? Matt Bomer Tells the Personal Story Behind His Heartbreaking ‘Normal Heart’ Performance|Kevin Fallon|May 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST A hunter comes across a sickly gorilla, too weak to defend itself from the blows of his cleaver. Already Deadly in Africa, Could Ebola Hit America Next?|Scott Bixby|April 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Priest and politician, sickly child and medical miracle, Bob Massie has had about an American of a life as anyone could imagine. This Week’s Hot Reads: May 23, 2012|Nicholas Mancusi, Malcolm Jones, Lucas Wittmann|May 23, 2012|DAILY BEAST Russians had no choice but face his final decision; his usurpation of political power is sickly humiliating. To the Streets!|Anna Nemtsova|September 26, 2011|DAILY BEAST Since we last saw them a sickly baby had been added to their number. The English Orphans|Mary Jane Holmes With a sickly feeling at my heart, I saw the sun approach the horizon. Adventures of a Young Naturalist|Lucien Biart My match burned my fingers and I dropped it to the floor, where it expired in a sickly blue flame. The Window at the White Cat|Mary Roberts Rinehart Others, yellowed and pale, cover with their sickly colors the bleeding crevices. A Tour Through The Pyrenees|Hippolyte Adolphe Taine Still there was a moon—faint and sickly, but still a moon—and, if the clouds permitted after midnight it would be brighter. Great Ghost Stories|Various
British Dictionary definitions for sickly
adjective -lier or -liestdisposed to frequent ailments; not healthy; weak of, relating to, or caused by sickness (of a smell, taste, etc) causing revulsion or nausea (of light or colour) faint or feeble mawkish; insipidsickly affectation adverbin a sick or sickly manner Derived forms of sicklysickliness, nounCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to sicklyailing, lackluster, cranky, feeble, infirm, morose, below par, delicate, diseased, down, dragging, faint, indisposed, languid, low, mean, off-color, pallid, peaked, poorly |