From 1949 to 1952, spanning the founding of the People’s Republic, the country suffered the worst famine in history.
Why Is China Cracking Down on Food Waste?|Daniel Malloy|September 3, 2020|Ozy
Yet, there were districts that performed significantly better than others in terms of managing the pandemic and offering famine relief.
The British Raj’s Spanish flu response has a lesson for India’s Covid-19 battle|Manavi Kapur|September 2, 2020|Quartz
In their 1968 book The Population Bomb, biologists Paul Ehrlich and his wife Anne foretold a Malthusian future of famine and disease if humanity failed to control its growth.
How Rising Education for Women Is Shaping the Global Population - Facts So Romantic|Kiki Sanford|August 19, 2020|Nautilus
Saving has been part of the DNA of two of the world’s oldest and largest societies — China and India — for centuries, in good measure because of the frequent crises such as famines, wars and social upheaval that they have endured.
Could the Recession Revive the Savings Gene in China and India?|Pallabi Munsi|August 16, 2020|Ozy
As recounted in the books of Genesis and Exodus, Abraham’s grandson Jacob travels to Egypt for food in a time of famine.
A Justification For Unrest? Look No Further Than The Bible And The Founding Fathers|LGBTQ-Editor|June 11, 2020|No Straight News
She recalls that during the famine her father illegally sold gold and silver.
How ‘Titanic ’Helped This Brave Young Woman Escape North Korea’s Totalitarian State|Lizzie Crocker|October 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“These people were coming here from tragic situations of war and famine in search of a better life,” he told The Daily Beast.
Italy: Migrants Dying en Masse|Barbie Latza Nadeau|July 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Famine and frigid temperatures ensued, and roughly 10 percent of the population died.
When the Weather Went All Medieval: Climate Change, Famine, and Mass Death|Wendy Smith|June 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
At other times, North Korea might want aid economic and food concessions, especially during periods of hardship and famine.
Is North Korea Collecting American Hostages?|Kyle Mizokami|June 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Famine will stalk the land and as many as seven million people will confront extreme food insecurity—in short, starvation.
Preventing Genocide In South Sudan|Eric Reeves, John Prendergast|April 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Never, never would he eat cheese again unless the hand of famine gripped him.
Kenny|Leona Dalrymple
All kinds of calamities overspread the earth and decimated the race,--war, pestilence, and famine.
Beacon Lights of History, Volume IV|John Lord
Hundreds of thousands of people used to perish by famine and disease year after year.
The Library of Work and Play: Mechanics, Indoors and Out|Fred T. Hodgson
During a famine a rich man offered to supply a vast store of grain for public use provided he was made a deacon.
Curiosities of Christian History|Croake James
An' small thanks I gets—me that keeps this harbor alive, in famine an' plenty.
Harbor Tales Down North|Norman Duncan
British Dictionary definitions for famine
/ (ˈfæmɪn) /
a severe shortage of food, as through crop failure or overpopulation
acute shortage of anything
violent hunger
Word Origin for famine
C14: from Old French, via Vulgar Latin, from Latin famēs hunger