to shove or turn (someone or something) aside or out of the way.
to sidetrack; get rid of.
to divert (a part of a current) by connecting a circuit element in parallel with another.
to place or furnish with a shunt.
Railroads. to shift (rolling stock) from one track to another; switch.
to divert blood or other fluid by means of a shunt.
the tube itself.
to move or turn aside or out of the way.
(of a locomotive with rolling stock) to move from track to track or from point to point, as in a railroad yard; switch.
the act of shunting; shift.
Also called bypass. Electricity. a conducting element bridged across a circuit or a portion of a circuit, establishing a current path auxiliary to the main circuit, as a resistor placed across the terminals of an ammeter for increasing the range of the device.
a railroad switch.
Surgery. a channel through which blood or other bodily fluid is diverted from its normal path by surgical reconstruction or by a synthetic tube.
Anatomy. an anastomosis.
Electricity. being, having, or operating by means of a shunt: a shunt circuit; a shunt generator.
Origin of shunt
1175–1225; (v.) Middle English schunten, shonten to shy (said of horses); (noun) Middle English, derivative of the v.; akin to shun
You know, like Nixon tried to shunt responsibility for the break-in on to Liddy, Sturgis, et al.
It’s Time to Get More Women in the NFL Boardroom|Robert Silverman|September 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Television stations can turn down their ads for any reason or shunt them into any time spot.
Is Super PACs’ Influence on the 2012 Presidential Election Overhyped?|Ben Jacobs|February 16, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Instead of attacking neighbors, why not shunt the wrath onto one poor soul who stands in for all would-be enemies?
GOP Primaries Provide a Feast for Our Schadenfreude Appetite|Eric G. Wilson|January 19, 2012|DAILY BEAST
The two armature coils are in series with the field-coils and the same disposition of the shunt or short-circuit D is used.
The inventions, researches and writings of Nikola Tesla|Thomas Commerford Martin
How are the ends of the shunt winding of a compound dynamo connected?
Hawkins Electrical Guide, Number One|Nehemiah Hawkins
The thing that interests me is, the powers that be are not going to shunt us as they hoped.
The Squire's Daughter|Silas K(itto) Hocking
The shunt which passes through the fine coil, S', commences at the point, P.
Scientific American Supplement No. 360, November 25, 1882|Various
It would be cowardly to shunt this wretched task off on somebody else.
Walter and the Wireless|Sara Ware Bassett
British Dictionary definitions for shunt
/ (ʃʌnt) /
to turn or cause to turn to one side; move or be moved aside
railwaysto transfer (rolling stock) from track to track
electronicsto divert or be diverted through a shunt
(tr)to evade by putting off onto someone else
(tr)motor racingslangto crash (a car)
the act or an instance of shunting
a railway point
electronicsa low-resistance conductor connected in parallel across a device, circuit, or part of a circuit to provide an alternative path for a known fraction of the current
meda channel that bypasses the normal circulation of the blood: a congenital abnormality or surgically induced
Britishinformala collision which occurs when a vehicle runs into the back of the vehicle in front
A passage between two natural body channels, such as blood vessels, especially one created surgically to divert or permit flow from one pathway or region to another; a bypass.