[ shreek ] SHOW IPA
noun a loud, sharp, shrill cry.
a loud, high sound of laughter.
any loud, shrill sound, as of a whistle.
SEE MORE SEE LESS verb (used without object) to utter a loud, sharp, shrill cry, as birds.
to cry out sharply in a high voice: to shriek with pain.
to utter loud, high-pitched sounds in laughing.
(of a musical instrument, a whistle, the wind, etc.) to give forth a loud, shrill sound.
SEE MORE SEE LESS verb (used with object) to utter in a shriek: to shriek defiance.
Origin of shriek First recorded in 1560–70; earlier shrick, northern variant of shritch (now dialect), Middle English schrichen, back formation from Old English scriccettan; akin to shrike
synonym study for shriek 5 . See scream.
OTHER WORDS FROM shriek shrieker, noun shriek·ing·ly, adverb shrieky, adjective outshriek, verb (used with object) Words nearby shriek shrewish, shrew mole, shrewmouse, Shrewsbury, Shri, shriek , shrieval, shrievalty, shrieve, shrift, shrike
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for shriek Students moan and growl and shriek and yawp, as if exorcising demons in a ritualistic ceremony.
How Taryn Toomey’s ‘The Class’ Became New York’s Latest Fitness Craze | Lizzie Crocker| January 9, 2015| DAILY BEAST
A shriek of glee briefly broke out across the Web as inquiring minds tried to deduce who was the lucky lady.
My Bizarre Night With James Deen, Libertarian Porn Star | Emily Shire| November 12, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Even her brother, Sheriff, who tried to pick her up to cuddle her, was pushed away with a firm “no” and a shriek .
The Life of a Liberian Child with Ebola | Sarah Crowe| November 5, 2014| DAILY BEAST
For all its performance art and immersive theater foundation, the show also has its own shriek moments.
Sex, Blood, and Screaming: Blackout’s Dark Frights | Tim Teeman| October 7, 2014| DAILY BEAST
They will shriek and giggle, half-scared and half-delighted, when their father pretends to be a monster that will eat them up.
The Science of Weepies: Why We Love Crying at the Movies | Elizabeth Picciuto| June 4, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Figureheads for Frankenstein, they need only shriek themselves blue and their will, will be done.
Nonsenseorship | G. G. Putnam and Others
He came to his door and beat his shoulders against it, for that shriek sent a horrible chill through him.
With Wellington in Spain | F. S. Brereton
It made no resistance; I felt not even the slightest struggle; but now my brother began to scream and shriek like one possessed.
Then he flung a second decanter, and sank down once more with a shriek .
The Chequers | James Runciman
The lost man gave a shriek of joy; so prone are we to interpret things hopefully.
A Simpleton | Charles Reade
British Dictionary definitions for shriek noun a shrill and piercing cry
verb to produce or utter (words, sounds, etc) in a shrill piercing tone
Derived forms of shriek shrieker , noun Word Origin for shriek C16: probably from Old Norse skrækja to screech 1
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to shriek squawk, wail, screech, whoop, howl, squeal, yell, cry, shrill, shout, blare