Facing legal challenges to their ability to borrow money, city officials and their advisers discovered a new way to essentially borrow the money through the sellers.
The Deal Before the 101 Ash St. Debacle Helps Explain How We Got Here|Lisa Halverstadt and Jesse Marx|August 24, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Sakazaki wasn’t sure how significant his find was, so he reached out to Hamilton, who had been his postdoctoral research adviser, to check if the peaks might be of interest.
Global Wave Discovery Ends 220-Year Search|Charlie Wood|August 13, 2020|Quanta Magazine
I think the voters will decide whether they want to have a say over who is the legal adviser or not.
Politics Report: Vacation Rentals? It’s Just Like Old Times!|Scott Lewis and Andrew Keatts|July 4, 2020|Voice of San Diego
In exchange for reinstating federal surveillance powers, Congress has offered to give independent advisers a larger voice in the secret court proceedings and create harsher criminal penalties for abuse.
Congressional Dems: New Surveillance Bill Strikes Right Balance|Jesse Marx|June 22, 2020|Voice of San Diego
She also serves as his adviser on energy and economic development issues.
Oregon First Lady Married for Cash, but Don’t Expect Prosecution|Tim Mak|October 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Then came Hipmunk, a travel search website, for which Ohanian is now an adviser.
The 'Mayor of the Internet' Fights the Good Fight|Gideon Resnick|August 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
D'Souza, 53, is a Bombay-born author and "documentarian" who served as an adviser for President Ronald Reagan.
Dinesh D’Souza: Ferguson Protesters Are Just Like ISIS|Olivia Nuzzi|August 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And former senior Obama adviser David Axelrod dismissed it as “sketchy.”
Rick Perry's PAC Pulls a 'Free Winona'|Olivia Nuzzi|August 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
During that deployment, as an adviser, I met with Iraqi counterparts weekly, sometimes more.
The View of Iraq From Troops in Afghanistan|Nick Willard|June 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
One "adviser" arranges everything nicely in the interests of his country, and then what does the "corrupt" Chinese official do?
Peking Dust|Ellen N. La Motte
He himself went as friend and adviser to the bereaved girl, a position which a certain letter had secured for him.
The Secret House|Edgar Wallace
Woman-like, she threw the blame of her lover's action entirely upon the adviser.
A German Pompadour|Marie Hay
He did not know what had become of her, and the facts he had to lay before his adviser were very few.
The Crock of Gold|James Stephens
You might perhaps have chosen a better man than Del Ferice for your adviser.
Don Orsino|F. Marion Crawford
British Dictionary definitions for adviser
/ (ədˈvaɪzə) /
a person who advises
educationa person responsible for advising students on academic matters, career guidance, etc
Britisheducationa subject specialist who advises heads of schools on current teaching methods and facilities