to give counsel to; offer an opinion or suggestion as worth following:I advise you to be cautious.
to recommend as desirable, wise, prudent, etc.: He advised secrecy for the sake of national security.
to give (a person, group, etc.) information or notice (often followed by of): The investors were advised of the risk. They advised him that this was their final notice.
verb (used without object),ad·vised,ad·vis·ing.
to take counsel; consult (usually followed by with): I shall advise with my friends.
to offer counsel; give advice or recommend particular actions, conduct, etc.: I shall act as you advise.
WATCH NOW: Advice vs. Advise
When to use advice and advise
Origin of advise
First recorded in 1275–1325; late Middle English; replacing Middle English avisen, from Anglo-French, Old French aviser, verbal derivative of avis “opinion” (from a vis; see advice)
1 counsel, admonish, caution.
2 suggest.
3 inform, notify, apprise, acquaint.
4 confer, deliberate, consult.
pre·ad·vise,verb (used with object),pre·ad·vised,pre·ad·vis··ad·vise,verb,re·ad·vised,re·ad·vis·ing.
I am working on getting the group that you advised we needed.
The COVID-19 Charmer: How a Self-Described Felon Convinced Elected Officials to Try to Help Him Profit From the Pandemic|by Vianna Davila, Jeremy Schwartz and Lexi Churchill|September 25, 2020|ProPublica
Faced with this possibility, parents of infants are advised to socially isolate.
Pregnancy During A Pandemic: The Stress Of COVID-19 On Pregnant Women And New Mothers Is Showing|LGBTQ-Editor|September 23, 2020|No Straight News
Claus Aranha, who studies evolutionary computation at the University of Tsukuba in Japan, advised three entrants to the competition.
AI planners in Minecraft could help machines design better cities|Will Heaven|September 22, 2020|MIT Technology Review
The attorney, Kathleen Duffield, who advised HHS on issues of fraud, waste and abuse, declined to comment.
He Wanted to Fix Rural America’s Broken Nursing Homes. Now, Taxpayers May Be on the Hook for $76 Million.|by Max Blau for Georgia Health News|September 22, 2020|ProPublica
This document is thus of no value whatsoever and we advise you not to rely on it for any purpose.
Foreign Masks, Fear and a Fake Certification: Staff at CSL Plasma Say Conditions at Donation Centers Aren’t Safe|by J. David McSwane|September 21, 2020|ProPublica
This is where Schwarz comes in: to quell concerns, advise about procedures, and follow up with loved ones.
The Nurse Coaching People Through Death by Starvation|Nick Tabor|November 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It warns: “We do not advise you to take this walk after dark.”
Sherlock Holmes Vs. Jack the Ripper|Clive Irving|November 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
We need physicians and food-and-drug regulators to advise us, up to a point.
America’s Meddlers Are Our Worst Enemies|Stefan Beck|October 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
During the Dujail trial, he shuttled back and forth to Baghdad to advise judges and lawyers.
Iraqi Insurgents Circulate the Lie That They Killed the Judge in Saddam’s Trial|Michael Newton|June 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I have many patients who disclose that they drink despite not having turned 21, in which case I do advise abstinence.
The truly good must advise him or her either to keep quiet or to quit.
We Can't Have Everything|Rupert Hughes
"Then I'd advise you to be careful," said Kittie, taking a hurried peep into the oven.
Six Girls|Fannie Belle Irving
I was to advise him after he left whether he might expect it.
Report of the Committee Appointed to Investigate the Railroad Riots in July, 1877|Various
Meanwhile a commission had been sitting to advise the King as to the best course for him to follow.
State Trials, Political and Social|Various
I thanked him for his information and advise and gave him a knife with which he appeared to be much gratifyed.
The Journals of Lewis and Clark|Meriwether Lewis and William Clark
British Dictionary definitions for advise
/ (ədˈvaɪz) /
verb(when tr, may take a clause as object or an infinitive)
to offer advice (to a person or persons); counselhe advised the king; to advise caution; he advised her to leave
(tr sometimes foll by of) formalto inform or notify
(intr foll by with) mainlyUSorobsoleteto consult or discuss
Word Origin for advise
C14: via Old French from Vulgar Latin advīsāre (unattested) to consider, from Latin ad- to + visāre (unattested), from vīsere to view, from vidēre to see