that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof.
something that makes plain or clear; an indication or sign: His flushed look was visible evidence of his fever.
Law. data presented to a court or jury in proof of the facts in issue and which may include the testimony of witnesses, records, documents, or objects.
verb (used with object),ev·i·denced,ev·i·denc·ing.
to make evident or clear; show clearly; manifest: He evidenced his approval by promising his full support.
to support by evidence: He evidenced his accusation with incriminating letters.
Idioms for evidence
in evidence, plainly visible; conspicuous: The first signs of spring are in evidence.
Origin of evidence
1250–1300; Middle English (noun) <Middle French <Latin ēvidentia.See evident, -ence
3 information, deposition, affidavit.
4 demonstrate.
synonym study for evidence
3. Evidence,exhibit,testimony,proof refer to information furnished in a legal investigation to support a contention. Evidence is any information so given, whether furnished by witnesses or derived from documents or from any other source: Hearsay evidence is not admitted in a trial. An exhibit in law is a document or article that is presented in court as evidence: The signed contract is Exhibit A.Testimony is usually evidence given by witnesses under oath: The jury listened carefully to the testimony.Proof is evidence that is so complete and convincing as to put a conclusion beyond reasonable doubt: proof of the innocence of the accused.
coun·ter·ev·i·dence,nounpre·ev·i·dence,nounre·ev·i·dence,verb (used with object),re·ev·i·denced,re·ev·i·denc··per·ev·i·dence,noun
But sources said that the evidence so far is pointing away from an ISIS connection.
U.S. Spies See Al Qaeda Fingerprints on Paris Massacre|Shane Harris, Nancy A. Youssef|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST
And the fact that satire unnerves the intolerant is evidence of its positive power.
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Is it sort of evidence of the Gladwellian 10,000 hours theory?
Coffee Talk with Fred Armisen: On ‘Portlandia,’ Meeting Obama, and Taylor Swift’s Greatness|Marlow Stern|January 7, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Evidence is piling up that as men do more of the caregiving, violence against women falls.
How Good Dads Can Change the World|Gary Barker, PhD, Michael Kaufman|January 6, 2015|DAILY BEAST
The third problem is the evidence of corroborating witnesses.
Buckingham Palace Disputes Sex Allegations Against Prince ‘Randy Andy’|Tom Sykes|January 4, 2015|DAILY BEAST
The document heretofore marked for identification as Commission Exhibit No. 1021, was received in evidence.
Warren Commission (5 of 26): Hearings Vol. V (of 15)|The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
They were the only women in evidence in Panama at that time.
Droll Stories of Isthmian Life|Evelyn Saxton
Evidence would be cooked up of course, and the retribution would be so swift that his friends would not be able to save him.
Mavericks|William MacLeod Raine
The evidence seems to me, however, to refute this interpretation of Kants position.
A Commentary to Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason'|Norman Kemp Smith
I stared at her, scarcely able to believe the evidence of my own ears.
Our Elizabeth|Florence A. Kilpatrick
British Dictionary definitions for evidence
/ (ˈɛvɪdəns) /
ground for belief or disbelief; data on which to base proof or to establish truth or falsehood
a mark or sign that makes evident; indicationhis pallor was evidence of ill health
lawmatter produced before a court of law in an attempt to prove or disprove a point in issue, such as the statements of witnesses, documents, material objects, etcSee also circumstantial evidence, direct evidence
turn queen's evidence, turn king's evidenceorturn state's evidence(of an accomplice) to act as witness for the prosecution and testify against those associated with him in crime
in evidenceon display; apparent; conspicuousher new ring was in evidence