Mission planners intend to return the sample to Earth in September 2023, where planetary scientists will bring the full power of terrestrial research machinery to bear as they fill in even more details of Bennu’s eventful past and present.
Local asteroid Bennu used to be filled with tiny rivers|Charlie Wood|October 8, 2020|Popular Science
The last three years, a period of supposed quiet, have been eventful nonetheless.
Kim Jong Un’s Kid Gloves Are Now Off|Gordon G. Chang|December 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The Hermès show today was the last on my schedule, the endnote of an eventful week.
A Breath of Fresh Air at Hermès|Alice Cavanagh|October 2, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The others really do have eventful lives, though rarely touching Lawrence's directly.
T.E. Lawrence Rides Again in Scott Anderson’s New History|Melik Kaylan|August 7, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Many of us remember and will ne'r forget the days from 1865 to 1875, ten eventful years in the history of our Southland.
The Roots of Southern Voter Intimidation|David Frum|February 4, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The second time around would be just as eventful, if decidedly less glamorous.
'The Last of the Live Nude Girls': Sheila McClear’s Memoir|David Goodwillie|December 5, 2011|DAILY BEAST
All that eventful day our story began with had leaped into the foreground of his mind.
Somehow Good|William de Morgan
In spite of Miss Oleander's dislike, she was first bride-maid when the eventful day arrived.
The Unseen Bridgegroom|May Agnes Fleming
The night passed without any eventful incident, and on the following morning she accomplished the return journey in safety.
Celebrated Women Travellers of the Nineteenth Century|W. H. Davenport Adams
So ended the perilous adventure of that eventful night of the Easter holidays.
Eric, or Little by Little|Frederic W. Farrar
The publication of this work we regard as an eventful matter in the history of modern thought.