any of a group of elongate elasmobranch, mostly marine fishes, certain species of which are large, voracious, and sometimes dangerous to humans.
Idioms for shark
jump the shark, Informal. to begin a decline in quality, popularity, relevance, etc., after reaching a peak: Some TV shows have jumped the shark once a popular cast member left the show.
It’s been surprisingly hard to figure out how old a whale shark is.
Traces from nuclear-weapons tests offer clues to whale sharks’ ages|Maria Temming|May 20, 2020|Science News For Students
Not knowing that made it hard to gauge just how fast these sharks were growing or how long they lived.
Traces from nuclear-weapons tests offer clues to whale sharks’ ages|Maria Temming|May 20, 2020|Science News For Students
The researchers compared the amount of carbon-14 in the growth bands of whale shark vertebrae with the known carbon-14 levels in surface seawater in different years.
Traces from nuclear-weapons tests offer clues to whale sharks’ ages|Maria Temming|May 20, 2020|Science News For Students
If young whale sharks spend much of their time deep underwater, they may not take in the same amount of carbon-14 that is measured at the ocean’s surface.
Traces from nuclear-weapons tests offer clues to whale sharks’ ages|Maria Temming|May 20, 2020|Science News For Students
His group also used the total number of growth bands in sharks’ dated vertebrae to figure out their the animals’ ages.
Traces from nuclear-weapons tests offer clues to whale sharks’ ages|Maria Temming|May 20, 2020|Science News For Students
Porter was convicted and shortly after sentenced to death by a judge who compared him to a shark in a feeding frenzy.
Wrongly Imprisoned for 15 Years Thanks to an Innocence Project|Jacob Siegel|November 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Her downfall came about, because for a second she forgot that to swim in the shark pool, you have to always act like a shark.
‘Housewife Tycoon’ Took On ‘Mad Men’ NYC Real Estate Market and Won|Vicky Ward|October 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
For humans, Shark Week is just a once-a-year sweeps event for the Discovery Channel.
Shark Deathmatch, Crazy ‘Simpsons’ Couch Gag, and More Viral Videos|Alex Chancey|October 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
However, for sharks—and Tracy Jordan—every week is Shark Week.
Shark Deathmatch, Crazy ‘Simpsons’ Couch Gag, and More Viral Videos|Alex Chancey|October 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Though it appears convincing, the “evidence” presented in these Shark Week documentaries is not real.
Shark Week Is Lying Again: Megalodon Is Definitely Extinct|David Shiffman|August 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But suppose a shark, like the one you caught, should come after you?
The Motor Boys on the Atlantic|Clarence Young
He was ahead of me, but half way in he met a shark, and came clamoring back to me to be saved.
The Sea Bride|Ben Ames Williams
When they returned from their day's work, they brought back only a shark.
Legends of Ma-ui--a demi god of Polynesia, and of his mother Hina|W. D. Westervelt
Owing to the peculiar shape of its maw a shark can not bite until it turns over.
Under the Ocean to the South Pole|Roy Rockwood
After heaving about twenty minutes the shark was alongside with the head about three feet out of water.
The Flying Bo'sun|Arthur Mason
British Dictionary definitions for shark (1 of 2)
/ (ʃɑːk) /
any of various usually ferocious selachian fishes, typically marine with a long body, two dorsal fins, rows of sharp teeth, and between five and seven gill slits on each side of the head
Derived forms of shark
sharklike, adjective
Word Origin for shark
C16: of uncertain origin
British Dictionary definitions for shark (2 of 2)
/ (ʃɑːk) /
a person who preys on or victimizes others, esp by swindling or extortion
archaicto obtain (something) by cheating or deception
Word Origin for shark
C18: probably from German Schurke rogue; perhaps also influenced by shark1