单词 | shanty |
释义 | shanty1[ shan-tee ] / ˈʃæn ti / SEE SYNONYMS FOR shanty ON THESAURUS.COM noun, plural shan·ties.a crudely built hut, cabin, or house. adjectiveof, relating to, or constituting a shanty or shanties: a shanty quarter outside the town walls. of a low economic or social class, especially when living in a shanty: shanty people. verb (used without object), shan·tied, shan·ty·ing.to inhabit a shanty. Origin of shanty11810–20; probably <Canadian French chantier lumber camp, hut; French: yard, depot, gantry, stand for barrels <Latin cant(h)ērius rafter, prop, literally, horse in poor condition, nag <Greek kanthḗlios pack ass OTHER WORDS FROM shantyshan·ty·like, adjectiveWords nearby shantyshan't, shantey, shanti, Shantou, Shantung, shanty, shantytown, Shanxi, Shaoxing, Shaoyang, shape Definition for shanty (2 of 2)shanty2 [ shan-tee ] / ˈʃæn ti / noun, plural shan·ties.a sailors' song, especially one sung in rhythm to work. Also chant·y, chan·tey [shan-tee, chan-] /ˈʃæn ti, ˈtʃæn-/ . Sometimes shan·tey . Origin of shanty2First recorded 1855–60; alteration of French chanter “to sing”; see origin at chant Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for shantyBritish Dictionary definitions for shanty (1 of 2)shanty1 / (ˈʃæntɪ) / noun plural -tiesa ramshackle hut; crude dwelling Australian and NZ a public house, esp an unlicensed one (formerly, in Canada)
Word Origin for shantyC19: from Canadian French chantier cabin built in a lumber camp, from Old French gantier gantry British Dictionary definitions for shanty (2 of 2)shanty2 shantey US chanty or chantey (ˈʃæntɪ, ˈtʃæn-)/ (ˈʃæntɪ) / noun plural -ties or -teysa song originally sung by sailors, esp a rhythmic one forming an accompaniment to work Word Origin for shantyC19: from French chanter to sing; see chant Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |
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