Ethiopian Christians, for instance, depicted Christ—and other biblical figures—as Ethiopians.
Yes, Megyn Kelly, Santa Can Be Black (and Jesus, Too)|Jamelle Bouie|December 12, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The operation was also performed with a sharpened Ethiopian stone, called tabona.
Curiosities of Medical Experience|J. G. (John Gideon) Millingen
The Ethiopian pyramids are all of much more elongated form than the old Egyptian ones.
History Of Egypt, Chalda, Syria, Babylonia, And Assyria In The Light Of Recent Discovery|L.W. King and H.R. Hall
By request she repeated the Ethiopian address to the chauffeur, himself of that tongue and nation; and off the cousins bowled.
V. V.'s Eyes|Henry Sydnor Harrison
Did not the Ethiopian Eunuch, having obtained salvation, 'go on his way rejoicing?'
The Hero of the Humber|Henry Woodcock
Prexaspes handed him the Ethiopian bow, and pointed out a target at some distance.
An Egyptian Princess, Complete|Georg Ebers
British Dictionary definitions for Ethiopian
/ (ˌiːθɪˈəʊpɪən) /
of, relating to, or characteristic of Ethiopia, its people, or any of their languages
of or denoting a zoogeographical region consisting of Africa south of the Sahara
anthropolobsoleteof or belonging to a postulated racial group characterized by dark skin, an oval elongated face, and thin lips, living chiefly in Africa south of the Sahara