单词 | etcetera |
释义 | etcetera[ et-set-er-uh, ‐se-truh ] / ɛtˈsɛt ər ə, ‐ˈsɛ trə / SEE SYNONYMS FOR etcetera ON THESAURUS.COM noun, plural et·cet·er·as.a number of other things or persons unspecified. etceteras, extras or sundries. Origin of etceteraFirst recorded in 1375–1425; noun use of et cetera Words nearby etceteraetaoin shrdlu, eta particle, étape, etatism, etc., etcetera, etceteras, etch, etchant, etched in stone, etching Definition for etcetera (2 of 2)et cetera [ et -set-er-uh, se-truh ] / ɛt ˈsɛt ər ə, ˈsɛ trə / adverband others; and so forth; and so on (used to indicate that more of the same sort or class might have been mentioned, but for brevity have been omitted): He had dogs, cats, guinea pigs, frogs, et cetera, as pets.Abbreviation: etc. Origin of et ceteraFirst recorded 1100–50; late Old English, from Latin et cētera, equivalent to et “and” + cētera, accusative neuter plural of cēterus “the rest of, the remainder” usage note for et ceteraEt cetera , a Latin phrase, appears in English writing most frequently in its abbreviated form, etc . This phrase is used frequently in technical and business writing, somewhat less frequently in general informal writing, and sometimes in literary or formal writing. Expressions such as and so forth and and so on are useful substitutes. Because “and” is included in the meaning of et cetera , the expression and et cetera is redundant. pronunciation note for et ceteraPronunciations with [k] /k/ substituted for the first [t]: /t/: [ek-set-er-uh], /ɛkˈsɛt ər ə/, or [ek-se-truh], /ɛkˈsɛ trə/, although occasionally used by educated speakers, are usually considered nonstandard. Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for etceteraBritish Dictionary definitions for etceteraet cetera etcetera/ (ɪt ˈsɛtrə) / and the rest; and others; and so forth: used at the end of a list to indicate that other items of the same class or type should be considered or included or the like; or something else similar Abbreviation: etc., &c See also etceteras Word Origin for et ceterafrom Latin, from et and + cetera the other (things) usage for et ceteraIt is unnecessary to use and before etc as etc (et cetera) already means and other things. The repetition of etc, as in he brought paper, ink, notebooks, etc, etc, is avoided except in informal contexts Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |
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