

单词 shalach manoth

shalach manoth

or sha·lach mo·nos

[ Yiddish, Ashkenazic Hebrew shah-lahkh -maw-nohs, -nuhs, shlahkh; Sephardic Hebrew shah-lahkh mah-nawt ]
/ Yiddish, Ashkenazic Hebrew ˈʃɑ lɑx ˈmɔ noʊs, -nəs, ˈʃlɑx; Sephardic Hebrew ʃɑˈlɑx mɑˈnɔt /

noun Yiddish and Hebrew.

the practice of giving gifts to one another or to the needy on Purim.
any such gift, as cake, fruit, or money for charity.

Origin of shalach manoth

Literally, “giving out parts”

Words nearby shalach manoth

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Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020




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