Nevertheless, when Gurowski publicly aired his grievances, Lincoln and Seward had no choice but to cashier him.
President Lincoln’s Twitter Mole|Kevin Peraino|October 26, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The Seward Johnson is a 204-foot research vessel that set out from American Samoa to Howland Island to look for the plane.
Is Amelia Earhart Mystery Solved? Why the Aviator Lifts Our Hearts|Susan Butler|June 4, 2012|DAILY BEAST
President Abraham Lincoln disagreed and famously said to Seward “one war at a time, please.”
GOP Candidates Are Wrong to Urge a Second Front War in Iran|Bruce Riedel|January 27, 2012|DAILY BEAST
His weak and self-indulgent brother, Seward, followed his every command.
The Johnson Family Tears|Barbara Goldsmith|January 7, 2010|DAILY BEAST
Both Seward, Jr. and Bobby were drummed out of the company, leaving General Johnson in sole charge.
The Johnson Family Tears|Barbara Goldsmith|January 7, 2010|DAILY BEAST
Only Messrs. Seward and Bates hang timidly behind, waiting for stronger manifestations, ere they hang out their flags.
Continental Monthly , Vol I, Issue I, January 1862|Various
A mild and lovely day on our island but in the bay a breeze from the north that would have made our rowing to Seward difficult.
Wilderness, A Journal of Quiet Adventure in Alaska|Rockwell Kent
This reply he showed to Seward, then handed it 330to Stanton and ordered him to sign and dispatch it at once.
Abraham Lincoln, Vol. II|John T. Morse
Even Mr. Seward did not pretend to refuse liberty of unexpressed sympathy with either side to an utter foreigner.
Border and Bastille|George A. Lawrence
The volume contains one hundred and forty emanations from the pen of Secretary Seward.
Continental Monthly, Vol. I. February, 1862, No. II.|Various
British Dictionary definitions for Seward
/ (ˈsjuːəd) /
William Henry. 1801–72, US statesman; secretary of state (1861–69). He was a leading opponent of slavery and was responsible for the purchase of Alaska (1867)