单词 | era |
释义 | era[ eer-uh, er-uh ] / ˈɪər ə, ˈɛr ə / SEE SYNONYMS FOR era ON THESAURUS.COM nouna period of time marked by distinctive character, events, etc.: The use of steam for power marked the beginning of an era. the period of time to which anything belongs or is to be assigned: She was born in the era of hansoms and gaslight. a system of chronologic notation reckoned from a given date: The era of the Romans was based upon the time the city of Rome was founded. a point of time from which succeeding years are numbered, as at the beginning of a system of chronology: Caesar died many years before our era. a date or an event forming the beginning of any distinctive period: The year 1492 marks an era in world history. Geology. a major division of geologic time composed of a number of periods. Origin of era1605–15; <Late Latin aera fixed date, era, epoch (from which time is reckoned), probably special use of Latin aera counters (plural of aes piece of metal, money, brass); cognate with Gothic aiz,Old English ārore, Sanskrit ayas metal synonym study for era1. See age. Words nearby eraequivocate, equivocation, equivoque, Equuleus, er, era, eradiate, eradicable, eradicate, erase, eraser Definition for era (2 of 2)ERA Also era Baseball. earned run average. Emergency Relief Administration. Equal Rights Amendment: proposed 27th amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex. Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for eraBritish Dictionary definitions for era (1 of 2)era / (ˈɪərə) / nouna period of time considered as being of a distinctive character; epoch an extended period of time the years of which are numbered from a fixed point or eventthe Christian era a point in time, esp one beginning a new or distinctive periodthe discovery of antibiotics marked an era in modern medicine geology a major division of geological time, divided into several periodsthe Mesozoic era Word Origin for eraC17: from Latin aera counters, plural of aes brass, pieces of brass money British Dictionary definitions for era (2 of 2)ERA / (ˈiːrə) / n acronym for(in Britain) Education Reform Act: the 1988 act which established the key elements of the National Curriculum (in the US) Equal Rights Amendment: a proposed amendment to the US Constitution enshrining equality between the sexes Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Scientific definitions for eraera [ îr′ə ] A division of geologic time, longer than a period and shorter than an eon. The American Heritage® Science Dictionary Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. |
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