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[ en-vee-uhs ] / ˈɛn vi əs / SEE SYNONYMS FOR envious ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectivefull of, feeling, or expressing envy: envious of a person's success; an envious attack. Archaic. - emulous.
- enviable.
VIDEO FOR ENVIOUSWATCH NOW: This Or That: Jealous vs. EnviousAre "jealous" and "envious" synonyms? What is the difference between these two words? MORE VIDEOS FROM DICTIONARY.COM Origin of envious1250–1300; Middle English <Anglo-French; Old French envieus<Latin invidiōsusinvidious SYNONYMS FOR envious1 resentful, jealous, covetous. SEE SYNONYMS FOR envious ON THESAURUS.COM OTHER WORDS FROM enviousen·vi·ous·ly, adverben·vi·ous·ness, nounnon·en·vi·ous, adjectivenon·en·vi·ous·ly, adverb non·en·vi·ous·ness, nouno·ver·en·vi·ous, adjectiveo·ver·en·vi·ous·ly, adverbo·ver·en·vi·ous·ness, nounqua·si-en·vi·ous, adjectivequa·si-en·vi·ous·ly, adverbun·en·vi·ous, adjectiveun·en·vi·ous·ly, adverb WORDS THAT MAY BE CONFUSED WITH enviousenviable, envious , jealousWords nearby enviousenvenom, envenomation, Enver Pasha, enviable, envier, envious, enviro, environ, environment, environmental art, environmental audit Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for enviousShe sends a miniature of her own image to the court, envious that it will enjoy a proximity she will never attain. Sor Juana: Mexico’s Most Erotic Poet and Its Most Dangerous Nun|Katie Baker|November 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST But what if they also know that making us happy or sad or angry or envious would make us more likely to want what they have? Of Course Facebook Wants to Control Your Feelings|Richard Wheeler|July 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST She does not shy from a fight, and she has a flair for political theater to make Ted Cruz envious. When Wendy Davis Was a Republican|Michelle Cottle|January 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST A keen sailor, I was envious of the crew on board having the chance to sail on these stunning, shimmering blue waters. How John Lennon Rediscovered His Music in Bermuda|The Telegraph|November 3, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Prior to the Zrće tourism boom, Pag residents described Novalja as a “small village” envious of Pag Town to the south. Party on in Pag: The Controversy on Croatia’s Hottest Island|Kristin Vukovic|August 25, 2013|DAILY BEAST Lascelles, the silent spy of the archbishop, devoured with envious eyes Throckmorton's great back and golden beard. Privy Seal|Ford Madox Ford His glance, long and greedy, betrayed how envious of me he was. The Seven-Branched Candlestick|Gilbert W. (Gilbert Wolf) Gabriel If they did, their desire would be for virtue, and the envious feeling would not exist. Plutarch's Lives Volume III.|Plutarch He tells the envious that the fame of Poets is immortal, and that theirs is not a life devoted to idleness. The Amores, or Amours|Ovid My lovers love not me but my possessions, My friends are envious of my delights. Virginia, A Tragedy|Marion Forster Gilmore
British Dictionary definitions for envious
adjectivefeeling, showing, or resulting from envy Derived forms of enviousenviously, adverbenviousness, nounWord Origin for enviousC13: from Anglo-Norman, ultimately from Latin invidiōsus full of envy, invidious; see envy Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Content related to enviousThis Or That: Jealous vs. EnviousAre "jealous" and "envious" synonyms? What is the difference between these two words? Words related to enviousdistrustful, watchful, suspicious, greedy, aspiring, covetous, craving, desiring, desirous, grasping, green-eyed, hankering, invidious, jaundiced, malicious, spiteful, wishful, yearning, fain, umbrageous |