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[ en-rohl-muhnt ] / ɛnˈroʊl mənt / SEE SYNONYMS FOR enrollment ON THESAURUS.COM
nounthe act or process of enrolling. the state of being enrolled. the number of persons enrolled, as for a course or in a school. Also especially British, en·rol·ment . Origin of enrollmentFirst recorded in 1525–35; enroll + -ment OTHER WORDS FROM enrollmentpre·en·roll·ment, nounre·en·roll·ment, nounsu·per·en·roll·ment, nounWords nearby enrollmentenrobe, enrol, enroll, enrolled bill, enrollee, enrollment, enrolment, Enron, enroot, en route, ens Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for enrollmentThe administration is, however, keeping expectations for enrollment numbers comparatively modest this time around. The White House Reactivates Its Army of Celebrity Obamacare Endorsers|Asawin Suebsaeng|November 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST My personal standards are indeed quite high, but that has nothing to do with my enrollment in the MOC process. Rand Paul and the Certification Racket|Russell Saunders|August 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST When I became chancellor at The University of Mississippi in 1995, enrollment was declining and I wanted to know why. Stars and Bars on Cars in Texas|Robert Khayat|July 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST Enrollment rates, the Chattanooga Times-Free Press suggests, are in trouble at Bryan. The Scopes Monkey Trial 2.0: It’s Not About the Stupid Science-Deniers|Michael Schulson|July 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The company calls them “enrollment advisers,” many of whom are veterans themselves. ‘Degree Mills’ Are Exploiting Veterans and Making Millions Off the GI Bill|Aaron Glantz|June 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST The Clayton High School has twelve teachers and an enrollment of 225. The Church on the Changing Frontier|Helen O. Belknap He has slunk from enrollment in the militia, and under the Conscription Act. A Rebel War Clerk's Diary at the Confederate States Capital|John Beauchamp Jones The enrollment of one hundred and seventy-six girls in the session of 1888-'89, was the largest in the history of the school. Charles Lewis Cocke|William Robert Lee Smith Free tuition and books are accorded neighborhood pupils under thirteen, that attend regularly after the time of their enrollment. The Choctaw Freedmen|Robert Elliott Flickinger At that time, the college had an enrollment of only about four hundred students. Modern Americans|Chester Sanford
Words related to enrollmentadmission, enlistment, recruitment, entrance, acceptance, engagement, accession, record, matriculation, conscription, reception, entry, rally, induction, response, influx, subscription, students, listing, student body |