of, relating to, or arising from the different meanings of words or other symbols: semantic change; semantic confusion.
of or relating to semantics.
Sometimes se·man·ti·cal .
Origin of semantic
1655–65; <Greek sēmantikós having meaning, equivalent to sēmant(ós) marked (sēman-, base of sēmaínein to show, mark + -tos verbal adjective suffix; akin to sêma sign) + -ikos-ic
Our data indicate that they’re using how content is structured and semantic analysis to figure out what should appear as a featured snippet.
How to become a master of featured snippets|Mark Webster|September 3, 2020|Search Engine Watch
Christi Olson, Head of Evangelism at Microsoft, noted “semantic intent,” that it all “goes back to intent” she said.
Why machine learning and understanding searcher intent is so important to search|Barry Schwartz|August 18, 2020|Search Engine Land
In our interview with Microsoft’s Christi Olson and Fabrice Canal, on Live with Search Engine Land about What SEOs need to know about Bing Webmaster Guidelines, we spoke about how Bing ranks content and the importance of semantic and searcher intent.
Why machine learning and understanding searcher intent is so important to search|Barry Schwartz|August 18, 2020|Search Engine Land
Low semantic density is a telltale sign that a patient might be at risk of psychosis.
Machines can spot mental health issues—if you hand over your personal data|Bobbie Johnson|August 13, 2020|MIT Technology Review
I noticed a little semantic difference back in April when parents were in the throes of “online learning.”
The Learning Curve: The Dystopian Future of ‘Learning Pods’|Will Huntsberry|July 16, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Howard Kurtz on the semantic dodge that now lets them get away with it.
The New Era of Evolution Helps Pols Switch Stance on Issues from Gay Marriage to Immigration|Howard Kurtz|April 3, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Except for one thing: you can't do an end-run around an enumerated right with some sort of semantic game.
You Can't Save Gun Control With Word Games|Megan McArdle|December 19, 2012|DAILY BEAST
But is that kind of semantic argument going to persuade large numbers of swing voters to turn on Obama?
The GOP's Candy Strategy|Howard Kurtz|October 17, 2012|DAILY BEAST
The number of people the oath will directly affect is small, and it is in many ways a rather technical and semantic matter.
The Land Mine at the Peace Talks|Michelle Goldberg|October 14, 2010|DAILY BEAST
Gradation can and must also be observed in the study of the semantic aspect of a language.
The Principles of Language-Study|Harold E. Palmer
I am not at all sure I could do this, if it were necessary, but fortunately, this is one of Larry's areas of semantic confusion.
Exile from Space|Judith Merril
And I don't think the public's semantic reactions to the terminology of imperialism is as bad as you imagine.
Lone Star Planet|Henry Beam Piper and John Joseph McGuire
Only at that moment did language gain a semantic and syntactic dimension (as we call them in today's terminology).
The Civilization of Illiteracy|Mihai Nadin
A semantic component is attached to everything people compute.
The Civilization of Illiteracy|Mihai Nadin
British Dictionary definitions for semantic
/ (sɪˈmæntɪk) /
of or relating to meaning or arising from distinctions between the meanings of different words or symbols
of or relating to semantics
logicconcerned with the interpretation of a formal theory, as when truth tables are given as an account of the sentential connectives
Derived forms of semantic
semantically, adverb
Word Origin for semantic
C19: from Greek sēmantikos having significance, from sēmainein to signify, from sēma a sign
What Are Context Clues?How do you decipher an unfamiliar word when you're reading? Chances are you may have used context clues of some kind—just like a beginning reader would.