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[ ih-moh-tiv ] / ɪˈmoʊ tɪv / SEE SYNONYMS FOR emotive ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectivecharacterized by or pertaining to emotion: the emotive and rational capacities of humankind. productive of or directed toward the emotions: Artistic distortion is often an emotive use of form. Origin of emotiveFirst recorded in 1725–35; emot(ion) + -ive OTHER WORDS FROM emotivee·mo·tive·ly, adverbe·mo·tive·ness, e·mo·tiv·i·ty [ee-moh-tiv-i-tee, ih-moh-], /ˌi moʊˈtɪv ɪ ti, ɪ moʊ-/, nounhy·per·e·mo·tive, adjectivehy·per·e·mo·tive·ly, adverb hy·per·e·mo·tive·ness, nounhy·per·e·mo·tiv·i·ty, nounnon·e·mo·tive, adjectivenon·e·mo·tive·ly, adverbnon·e·mo·tive·ness, nounun·e·mo·tive, adjectiveun·e·mo·tive·ly, adverbun·e·mo·tive·ness, noun Words nearby emotiveemotional labor, emotional labour, emotional literacy, emotionally correct, emotional support animal, emotive, emotive meaning, emotivism, EMP, empale, empanada Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for emotiveEmotive words and evocative phrases give language its power. How To Shrink The Pro-Israel Tent|Brent E. Sasley|April 9, 2013|DAILY BEAST It gets us over that initial, high-stakes moment of emotive acclamation, and skips straight to the conversation. Zany, Cute, Interesting: What the Words We Use Say About Us|Benjamin Lytal|October 23, 2012|DAILY BEAST Kawakubo is not a designer who excels at communicating joy—at least not the emotive version of it. Paris Fall 2012 Fashion Week: Haider Ackermann, Lanvin, and Comme des Garçons|Robin Givhan|March 4, 2012|DAILY BEAST Ted Wells, an emotive, powerful giant of a lawyer, is already achieving results for the embattled governor of New York. The Scandal Guru|Lloyd Grove|March 11, 2010|DAILY BEAST
Mental, emotive, and power characteristics are signified by various tone pitches. Certain Success|Norval A. Hawkins Now my life was like a garden in the emotive torpor of spring; now my life was like a flower conscious of the light. Confessions of a Young Man|George Moore He admits your figures to his conscious belief more readily than he would credit them if spoken in an emotive or power tone. Certain Success|Norval A. Hawkins It is an emotive manifestation that stirs one's whole nature and vitalizes every part of the body. Vitality Supreme|Bernarr Macfadden Employ the emotive tone to convey ideas of your truthfulness and honor. Certain Success|Norval A. Hawkins
British Dictionary definitions for emotive
adjectivetending or designed to arouse emotion of or characterized by emotion Derived forms of emotiveemotively, adverbemotiveness or emotivity, nounusage for emotiveEmotional is preferred to emotive when describing a display of emotion: he was given an emotional (not emotive) welcome Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to emotiveaffective, heartwarming, moving, stirring, touching, affectional |