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[ em-bahrk-muhnt ] / ɛmˈbɑrk mənt / SEE SYNONYMS FOR embarkment ON THESAURUS.COM
Origin of embarkmentFirst recorded in1590–1600; embark + -ment Words nearby embarkmentembarcadero, embarcation, embargo, embark, embarkation, embarkment, Embarras, embarras de richesses, embarrass, embarrassing, embarrassment Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for embarkmentAnd when the time of their embarkment came, there was not sufficient to serue their own turnes. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, Volume XIV (of 16)|Richard Hakluyt Watteau revealed his temperament, on the wing as it were, in his masterpiece "The Embarkment for Cythera." "The Embarkment for Cythera" has been called the first impressionist picture. And when the time of their embarkment came, there was not sufficient to serve their own turns. A Narrative of the expedition of Hernando de Soto into Florida published at Evora in 1557|A Gentleman of Elvas
Words related to embarkmentharbor, berth, wharf, pier, jetty, quay, lock, levee, landing, slip, marina |