Seeger showed Springsteen that political music could be buoyant, even as it dealt with the weightiest issues.
Springsteen, Seeger, and the Joy of Political Music|Howard Wolfson|February 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The first four letters in hootenanny spell hoot -- and The Seeger Sessions was fun -- with a purpose.
Springsteen, Seeger, and the Joy of Political Music|Howard Wolfson|February 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The Seeger Sessions was as joyous as Devils and Dust was depressed.
Springsteen, Seeger, and the Joy of Political Music|Howard Wolfson|February 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Seeger works at a call center to pay the bills while she studies to be a firefighter paramedic.
Witness Says of Colorado Shooter: ‘He Pointed the Gun at My Face’|Paula Szuchman|July 20, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Seeger said the shots fired in the theater were “relentless.”
Witness Says of Colorado Shooter: ‘He Pointed the Gun at My Face’|Paula Szuchman|July 20, 2012|DAILY BEAST
One of the most specific signs of poisoning by darnel seeds is said by Seeger to be the trembling of the whole body.
Cooley's Cyclopdia of Practical Receipts and Collateral Information in the Arts, Manufactures, Professions, and Trades..., Sixth Edition, Volume I|Arnold Cooley
It is perhaps the best long poem Seeger has written, although "Champagne, 1914-15" is by many ranked ahead of it.
Lest We Forget|John Gilbert Thompson
Nevertheless, it appears to me unfortunate in Seeger's noble poem, where it forces me to taste its foreign flavour.
Society for Pure English, Tract 5|Society for Pure English
British Dictionary definitions for Seeger
/ (ˈsiːɡə) /
Pete. born 1919. US folk singer and songwriter, noted for his protest songs, which include "We shall Overcome" (1960), "Where have all the Flowers gone?" (1961), "If I had a Hammer" (1962), and "Little Boxes" (1962)